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Andies Tack

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About Andies Tack

  • Birthday 06/20/1983

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  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    I'm a barrel racer, team roper, trainer, custom horse tack, and custom knife sheath maker.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Custom Leather Horse Tack and Knife Sheaths
  • Interested in learning about
    anything to help me improve by business
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    looking for supplies in a google search

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  1. No I don't sell just the skins....but they also don't stay long before they go into breastcollars, headstalls, Halters, etc. as inlays. lol They are selling fast
  2. I didn't read all the replies, but someone else on another of my threads commented and asked about my snake skins that I personally tan myself...I also tan gators, deer hides, beaver tales, snakes, or anything dead but a nasty skunk. LOL...I make all horse tack....headstalls, breastcollars, halters, knife sheaths, custom gun belts, bracelets, etc. and use my own tanned hides. I've been tanning since I was a teenager, and only making leather horse tack and knife sheaths about 8 months ago now. Everything I make is made by hand only, and hand stitched too. Here's a breastcollar for a horse that I just made with one of my rattler hides. It doesn't peel the scales, and it's tanned correctly. My hides are soft and useable for whatever you want to do with it. I'll add the link to the video of some of my hides to see what they look like and the texture of them. I don't salt at all...it's a waste of time. Skin snake....cut down his belly with a pair of scissors and pull off hide like slipping off your socks. Scrape all membrane off the hide...I use a blue kitchen sponge with the scrubby side...you can use a knife though. Mix Glycerin and Pure Alcohol 50/50 in a glass jar with a lid...(you can buy both at a Walmart Pharmacy) Let it sit in mixture for about 3 days....gently shake jar 2 or 3 times a day to keep it mixed. Take out of Jar and pin it loosely on a board...don't stretch it tight Let dry with a fan on it for about 3 or 4 days Take off board and spray with Indoor/Outdoor Spar Urethane....let dry It will still be soft and protected from peeling.....if it peels than the snake was already starting to shed it's skin too much when it was killed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdgJfwGvDnc&list=UUEmtKbhO3V4uN9LJjVYWiRg
  3. I free hand it into the leather like a brand with a wood burner.
  4. Here's the video of what my hides look like when I finished tanning them. They are all nice soft when finished with the scales on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdgJfwGvDnc&list=UUEmtKbhO3V4uN9LJjVYWiRg
  5. Do you have a link to the forum? I'm still new to this forum and still finding my way around. It's the way I tan the hides. I like my hides to have the natural scale look, and the hides are still flexible and soft when I'm done with them. I have a video of what the look like also after I'm finished with them.
  6. Hi everyone. ....I posted some of my rattle snake hides that I was tanning, and a few people wanted to see what I would make with them. I finally got a chance to work on a breastcollar demo and got it finished. I wanted to do something different than a normal "flat" colored stain. So I got creative with two different types of my stains, and came up with this. It's completely made by hand, and hand stitched also. I'll post the pictures of the headstall and wither strap when I get them made and finished.
  7. Thank you ....I just finished this one also. It has one of the rattle snake hides I tanned in it for inlays. I wanted to do something different than a normal "flat" colored stain. So I got creative with two different types of my stains, and came up with this.
  8. The teal green is a gator print on embossed cow...I'll have a real gator set coming out very soon.
  9. Thank you everyone This one is still in the process of making, but I think it's gonna be really pretty.
  10. Wither Straps and Gun Slings.... Bronc Nosebands for halters...
  11. Hi Everyone....haven't posted in a while cause I've been so busy on making horse tack and tanning hides. So thought I'd stop in and pot some new pictures. The snakes have been crawlin' and I've been taken them out as fast as I can. lol.... These are 3 Timber Rattlers ....and a few of my Diamond Backs and Copperheads
  12. Thank you.....Yes, that's a little piece of the rattler I tanned
  13. Taking a break and thought I'd post some of my new items I've made lately. Hope everyone is having a Great Mother's Day! I'm spending mine working as usual. Hahaha This is my newest idea...The belt is versatile, and all Hand Stitched I have my concealed weapons permit, and I like to have my gun with me at all times. But, I hate a bulky holster on my hip. I take mine to the barn, and especially out on trails in case of snakes or just for protection...But, putting it in my jeans gets it sweaty in Florida heat, and it could bounce out while I'm working a horse. If you aren't carrying your gun you can pop off the removable snap strap, and wear it like a regular belt for a night out on the town too! Dog Collar This is a close up of the Rattlesnake Hide Inlay....I even tanned him out myself. lol
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