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Bruno Rock

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About Bruno Rock

  • Birthday 07/18/1987

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  • Interests
    History, Antropology, Good Music, Guns and of course leather

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  • Interested in learning about
    Gunleather, Leather Carving, and everything related to leather!

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  1. Howdy folks, it's been a long time, I havea customer that owns a Le Mat Revolver Clone, he wants me to make a holster Civil War style (see the attachments) , since I don't have such replica and the customer it's very far from my location, I'm wondering if there's anybody willing to share a pattern, I consider also the option to purchase a pattern, if there's any avalaible. Thank you all in advice for attention e replies
  2. Thank you Dwane, here's a few pics of knife and knife sheath, it's a Muela knife
  3. Thanks for the nice words fellas, to @bikermutt07 it's a Tandy Flower Stamp E 318, to @CaptQuirk I always use 8/9 oz veg leather lined with 2/3 oz suede to have more grip around the waist
  4. Howdy folks! It's been a long time since my last post, I've been really busy, but finally I found some time to show you some of the gunbelts rigs that I've made troughout these months. I've made a SASS rig, straight draw + cross draw, a Mexican Loop holster, a Knife Sheath. The black one is an interesting one, it's a combination of buscadero and ranger style gunbelt able to fit the same holster that comes with a round loop strap and a classic buckle strap. The last two pics are Buscadero Gunbelts with a fast draw holster and a Cheyenne Holster. I would like to thank once again, Jim Simmons for his great pattern and his advices, without his help I wouldn't be able to achieve these skills. Anyone knows how is he? It's been a long time since Jim's last post, I hope is doing well. Thanks for watching!
  5. Can you please add me. Thanks
  6. Check this out, I think is what you are looking for! Those patterns are made By Jim Simmons,my menthor on gunleather It's on my to-do-list! As soon I'll have some time to make some gunleather for myself! Those are the instructions
  7. Got myself this beautiful Uberti Cattleman 4 ¾ in .45 Lc and I wanted to show it off with my very fist gunbelt rig, I have added a legtie and an hammer thong as well
  8. Thanks guys! By the end of this week I'm going to buy a second hand Uberti Cattleman 4 ¾ barrel .45LC, what are you going to get Jon P?
  9. Thanks Toney and Jarhead44706, go for it man!
  10. Howdy folks Here's a few gunbelts that I've made for customers in the last few months! I would like to thank one more time Jim Simmons, for his great tutorials and patterns, without his material I wouldn't reached this level of work, by the way, anybody heard anything from him? It's quite a while since he posted something on this forum. Any comment or suggestion is highly appreciated for future improvements. Cheers from Italy
  11. Yes I do have, pictures from others holster makers and screenshot from the movies
  12. Howdy folks As the title topic says I am planning to make for myself an Eastwood rig, I've ordered, from Black river laser, the gunfighting sitching template, so I'm pretty set up on making the belt itself. My main concern is to make the holster, if just needs a welt or a filler along the main seam, also I never made rough out gunleather, any hint? If someone feels to share a pattern, I am also willing to pay for a digital pattern. Any help is highly appreciated ! Cheers from Italy
  13. Nice article Tugadude, I'm planning in the future to make a replica of the rig worn by Clin Eastwood, and I'm starting collecting info!
  14. Hi guys, I've been asked for a wallet rig holster, for a small pistol like the Beretta Jetfire, since I never heard about this tipe of holsters, anyone can give me any hint, tips or advise in making one of those. Here's a video as reference seems to me a 4/5 oz piece. Thanks in advice. Cheers from Italy https://youtu.be/55k6yWH723g
  15. I would like to ask another thing about neatsfoot oil and oil finishises, how to let dry it properly in autumn/winter? now it's not very sunny and hot where I live in Italy...
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