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About cybertracy

  • Birthday 06/04/1962

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ojai, California
  • Interests
    Just getting started so I'm fascinated with it all.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    learning through mistakes
  • Interested in learning about
    construction & patternmaking
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  1. I was wondering if you still had the tutorial on the dog stuff. I'm brand new to leather, but not dogs. I have two dobermans and I would like to practice on stuff with them....



  2. Hi, also listed some sets, all detailed in the post on ebay for anyone interested (such as the celtic or barbwire type). Most never used. Craftool Leathercraft Stamp Sets - Lot of 15 different sets Item number: 170713889230 thanks!
  3. Just wanted to give anyone interested a heads up, I just listed a large lot of Craftool Stamps, no repeats, some discontinued. Complete list of numbers will be posted shortly. Craftool Leathercraft Stamps Lot of 206 stampsItem Id:170713883602 Thanks!
  4. i buy overhead projector paper--you can get it for copier/laser printers (cheapest) even with a bubblejet, print your design and run a copy onto the overhead transparancy. If you watch sales, you can get a box of 100 or so for under $15. It also seems to be a bit more durable than the vellum based stuff. Just be careful not to put the printed side down on your damp leather if you are transferring your design by tracing. I haven't yet experimented with using the printed side down to purposely transfer the toner, but it seems like it would work that way too (sort of like rubons)
  5. also, leather seems to be the perfect organic medium the skulls (or dragon scales) tooled on some vegtan look WAY cool even for a novice like me! My first "skull" fascination was the Pirates ride at Disneyland -- just before the first waterfall--And mark well me words, mateys: Dead men tell no tales!
  6. fyi: if you choose to go the oxalic route, an inexpensive, very common source is the product "Barkeeper's Friend" found in the cleanser aisle of most grocery stores. Its only ingredient is oxalic acid and it's generally used as a less abrasive alternative cleanser for copper and other soft metals. MSDS
  7. most grocery stores carry Barkeeper's Friend (among the powder cleansers). It is oxalic acid.
  8. well, angelina was already taken!
  9. my two favorites... strictly for the costume study of course:
  10. your welcome, and I am still very interested if you find an answer elsewhere! thanks for the post
  11. this topic (somewhat) discussed here. If anyone has any different success stories, I'd love to hear them!
  12. I actually thought Tandy's books were a big help, but I was a complete novice when I purchased them--if you buy these books (even the ebooks) and aren't satisfied, talk to the store manager. A friend of mine got store credit on the purchase of an ebook he already had in hard copy and didn't realize until too late.
  13. My first round knife was an earlier (3 years back) Stohlman from Tandy, and I've since moved on & spent more on a second. I would like to say I'm glad I bought the Stohlman first, I learned to sharpen it and may not have tried on a more expensive blade (it took me a few tries and varying techniques to get it as sharp as I wanted). I also probably would've cut off my hand with a bigger, sharper version until I fully understood how important it is to keep all appendages, pets and children BEHIND the blade in motion! I understand dull knives are more dangerous than sharp ones, but in my case that applied more when I used the blade correctly than when I was first learning. Sharpened correctly, and stropped often, I still grab the Stohlman to make straight cuts on less thick leathers or to lop off chunks when needed.
  14. Thanks a bunch for the info! I'm in Ojai & glad to know a reliable source is so close.
  15. PDF was too large. PM me and I'll send you a copy.
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