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Posts posted by rcsaddles

  1. Wow, a blood sacrifice, I never thought of it that way. Thank you for informing us of that. If you don't mind, I will use that one in the future.

    Please tell more about the white fuel and wax mixture. How much of each do you use? Can you store it in a glass jar for later use or not? Does the wax solidify and you reheat it? You guys left so many unanswered questions I feel like I am listening to my teenage son. :blahblahblah: Hope you all take that as a joke. I really would like to hear more about this so please post more.

    This is such a great place for information.

  2. If you look back in this braiding forum, you will find a post about cutting lace. Bevan posted a you tube video of the resizer/beveler that he makes. I have one and love the thing. Once he posted the video and I saw the correct way to use it, beveling lace is so easy with it. I have the Aussie Lace Cutter, which I have used to cut all my rawhide and even most of my leather lace. I was able to upgrade to a Dene Williams Lace Cutter and a Splitter. They are great. I think you can also find pictures of them on this forum. If not, let me know and I will post a couple of pictures.

    I have a fid that is made from a pitchfork tine. It was given to me by Mary Fields who is in the Bruce Grant books. I also have some that are made out of 1/8 inch square stock metal. They are heated and shaped the way I want which makes them more useable. I have some of the square stock ones available for $5.00 plus shipping if interested.

    Keep asking questions because you also make us think about things.

  3. I thought you were like 29, mate. And I ment the actual braiding part.

    The class went well. Had 10 students and did an eight plait belt. Linghting in the room was terrible but we had fun and my goal was to get folks started and give some info you can not get in the books. I think it went that way.

    I will be using the cutter later this week. I talked to a friend in Wyoming and gave him some sample roo lace to use for edge braiding. Trying to work a deal with him to cut his lace for him. You know how it is to trade. I gave your web address out at the class on your cutter so hopefully it will do some good.

    I plan on doing the class again next year and was thinking of doing hat bands instead of the belts.

    Take care, Mate.

  4. Nice Bevan,

    Must have taken you all of about 10 minutes to do that. I love to make that type of hatband. So relaxing to do. Thanks for showing it. And again, thanks for showing me how to use your beveler.

  5. James,

    I know what you are going through. I lost my mother in January of a massive heart attack also. Got the call on my birthday no less. The pain will go away but you have the memories of all teh good times to hang on to. Yes, it is difficult for a while. You and you family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    God Bless.

  6. I was pretty sure it was you, Brian, but when I got ready to post, I wasn't sure so I changed to someone.

    This is why I really like this site. There is so much information here that your average person won't have. I'm sure if we keep this up, we will all be expert lace cutters in no time.

  7. I also saw somewhere that someone said they make sure the flesh side was fleshed great before tanning. Not sure how to explain what I am trying to say. You know how at thimes on the flesh side you can pull off some loose stuff? Ya, that. Anyway, does anyone condition their strings before beveling? Not sure if that will make a difference or not. Someone said they bevel then splits to have all the material he can to bevel. Just trying to throw out some ideas.

  8. Wow, talk about information overload! This is such great info I am really glad to be a part of this. I have cut lots of rawhide lace but am just starting on the roo lace. I cut all my rawhide with the Aussie Strander and love that little tool. I now have the Dene Williams lace cutter and splitter. They are great. Not sure how they will work on rawhide but they are the ticket for roo. I also have a cutter beveller from Bevan. I really like using it to cut my lace to size but honestly, I have not been smart enough to figure out how to make the beveling part work. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    Brian, thanks for the thoughts on bevel and then split to thinkness, I would not have thought of that. I also really enjoy seeing your work here Brian.

    Annette, I have learned that you can make most of the tools you need for preparing your lace to braid. Tracy's idea for the splitter has been done by many people and works very well. I just happened into a deal on the Dene Williams splitter that I could not pass up. Otherwise, I have a couple of homemade splitters that work just fine.

    Once again, thanks to everyone that puts in to this forum.

  9. Bri,

    First off, where in Montana? I live in Lewistown, MT.

    All pretty good advice on here. The trick is to figure out what works for you. When I started braiding, I used the Ron Edwards books. Very easy to follow the instructions. The man was very gifted in the way he drew his pictures. His books are available from www.ramsskullpress.com They are a little spendy but well worth the money. Yes, they ship from Australia.

    Another option, I am teaching a beginners braiding class at the show in Sheridan, WY on May 20th from 1 to 5. We will be making an eight strand belt of kangaroo lace with two brass rings as a buckle. I am supplying the material, the Ron Edwards book, Stockmans Plaited belts, a jig for starting a belt and will have some extra fid available for a nominal fee. Something like $5.00 to $10.00 each, The class is limited to 10 and as of Monday, there were five signed up. I believe the cost is $65.00.

    Feel free to keep posting here or pm any of us for more advice. If you like, contact me after the 20th and if I have any books or fids left, they will be available for sale.

    Keep practicing.

  10. I'll be there also. I have the privilege of teaching a class on Friday afternoon but will be over at the Best Western. Won't be in until mid morning on Friday and leaving on Saturday afternoon. I like the idea of name tags. Last year, Mark told me he had a handlebar mustache and I told him I would be wearing a black Stetson. We found each other so it really is not that hard to do.

    Lets keep this going as it is only a few weeks away. Sounds like something Friday night would work best for me but let me know.

  11. The LCSJ is the Leathercrafters and Saddlers Journal. I believe teh web site is leathercrafters.com. Not positive, but if you google it you will find it. They put on the show in Sheridan, WY and Wickenburg, AZ. I happen to have an article on braiding a 16 strand belt in the current issue.

  12. Absolutely beautiful. Great work, Brian. Anyone who can make some of these knots has to be crazy. How else could you follow the instructions? Do you plan on sharing the written instructions? Would be a good article in the LCSJ before Christmas. Well before Christmas so we have time to make them.

    Once again, beautiful work, Brian.

  13. When I buy pre-cut roo lace I go to Barb at Y-Knot Lace. By the way, she is supplying the lace for my "Begining Leather Braiding" class is Sheridan in May.

    When I cut my own lace I get the roo hides from Midwest Whips. Paul is a wealth of information and fair on prices. I cut my lace with a Dene Williams strander and after stretching it, I use Beven's tool to cut to size and bevel. I also admit that I need to learn the best way to use his beveler but that is another story.

  14. I had a lady bring me an old book missing it's cover. She wants me to make a leather cover. I have a few questions. First and foremost, will it decrease the value of the book if it is covered in leather? Not sure she is worried about that but I am. Second, I am thinking that I make the cover, including the title on binding and front cover, gouge the lines where it will fold and glue the spine of the book to the leather. Also any suggestions on what weight of leather would be helpful. I am thinking of 7-8 oz skirting leather.

    In other words,HELP!!!!!! Does this sound reasonable? I have not done one of these before and not sure what to do.

    As always, any and all suggestions are welcome and thank you very much for the help.

    God Bless

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