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Posts posted by rcsaddles

  1. The show in Sheridan is about a month and a half away. Anyone interested, I am teaching a Beginners Braiding class on Friday, May, 18th. With your registration you will receive the book, Plaits, Round and Flat written by Ron Edwards. They are actually better than I thought they would be. Some of the best braiding books written in my opinion.

    Cost of the class is only $75.00 and we will be braiding a six strand hatband of kangaroo lace. Probably only have black or brown as a color choice unless I get some requests for other color. The hatband will start out round, go to flat and then back to round. Should be a great time. Anyone interested can contact the Leather Crafters and Saddlers Journal to register and by all means, feel free to contact me with any questions you have.

  2. I havemade stock whips out of both burgandy latigo and the Indian Tan Latigo. The Indian Tan will give you a real workout while braiding. Not as soft and supple as the burgandy stuff. Lots of people also use parachute cord for whips. That will also help keep the cost down. I don't braid a lot of whips so take this all with a grain of salt. Just my opinion but I really like the Indian Tan Latigo.

  3. Not sure how many times you will hear this but my condolences to you and his family. I met Jan in Sheridan about 3 years ago. What a neat guy. Was willing to talk to people and share his testimony. I know the man was a Christian which is what is most important to me but also he was one of those kind of people you could meet on the street and just talk with. There are fewer and fewer of that type of person around today.

    Clay, I pray for grace and peace for you and his family. Just rest assured that he is in a better place. In reading your post here, there is no doubt in my mind, you were as special to him as he was to you.

  4. Looks to me to be a 6 plait. Only thing is,usually a 6 round has a core. Might be why the rope looks a little funny. Going from round to flat or flat to round is not that difficult. Takes a little to get the right strand going but very easy to figure out. Parachute cord will probably work. Check out Double Diamond Halters. Not sure what Pete uses but pretty much the same thing you are looking at.

  5. I can only guess some things here as we need a little more info to give good advise. You are cutting rawhide strings, yes? If so, the strap cutter is probably not the right tool. I use the Australian Strander for cutting rawhide strings, or lace. Yes, the moisture will make a lot of difference. My guess is it was too wet. Needs to be a little firm to be able to cut good lace. I have never tried to cut lace from a small circle like you are doing. Give us more information and we will all be happy to help, imho.

  6. Looking at the pictures in both fig 3 and 4, I would say the twist would be wound fairly tight but just so you can run your string under it on the way back down. You will probably have to use your fid to getthe string under each place but that is to be expected. Spacing between the twist should be enough that the string you are bringing back down, is just touching the strand on each side. That is what I see in the pictures.

    Keep us informed on how it works for you.

  7. I am wondering if everyone else noticed tht 8th in the design. This is absolutely beautiful. Maybe you can work in the year it was made or the name of the person it is made for. Just a thought. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished whip.

  8. Forgive me please but I think you are all making this way too hard. Here is my process for making leather barb wire.

    I will take the round lace, up to 30 feet of it and put it in my jug of brown dye. I use rubber gloves and also as I pull the lace out of the bottle, I pull it through a piece of sheepskin or similar to wipe the excess dye back into the bottle. After the lace is out of the bottle, I will fold in half to have two strands next to each other. I take the looped end and attach to something I can pull against. I usually put it through a hole in the punched angle iron that is the support for the garage door track. I put a piece of wood dowel through the leather loop so it won't pull out of the hole in the angle. Then I pull on the two loose ends and start to twist them together. When it is twisted as tight as you want, attach that end to something heavy enough to hold it. I have a 4 inch vise and a piece of railroad iron. I stretch the lace and let it dry. After it is dry, it will not untwist by itself.

    The barbs are a little tougher. I will cut pieces of round lace I have dyed and dip them in water and wrap around the wire. Have to keep tightening them to get them to stay but it works.

    Hope this helps. Hard to explain, easier to show.

  9. Very nice to each and every one of you. Tell me,if you would please, how tall and wide is the cross? I am going to have to make some of these and think that over Thanksgiving I may have to soak some rawhide and braid. Helps in the digestion of the turkey and the relaxation with 8 kids in the house.

  10. I was just coping Knothead. He did it first. I had the decency to use another braid though.

    I have been looking at all the neat stuff people do and thinking I should do the same. Never considered using a different braid. Thanks for the heads up on that one. I so much love the people on here. Isn't it great tobe able to have fun like this?

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