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Posts posted by rcsaddles

  1. In my opinion, the Ron Edwards books are the best and easiest to follow. I have both the Advanced Leather books he wrote. I also use Ron's books for the braiding classes I teach. I order form the publisher, and give them to my students. I think I have six or seven of his books. They are the ones I always go to.

  2. Very nice, Bret. With you doing stuff that looks like that, I'm not sure I want you making something to send to Sheridan. You know, don't want the compitition. Seriously, I for one, would love to see you enter something in Sheridan. Beautiful work as always.

  3. I don't know about precut lace but I have heard that Jeff Stern in Wisconsin is selling rawhide rounds. I think they are 18 inch circles for about $30.00 each. Don't quote me on that part but a friend of mine got 5 and I think he said $170.00 and that included the shipping.

    Jeff produces drum heads and is looking at producing rawhide for other purposes also. His contact info:

    Jeff Stern

    4010 west Douglas Ave

    Milwaukee, WI 53209


    If you want to cut your own string, this is the only source in the country that is trying to produce rawhide that I know of.

  4. There are a few really good DVD's out there. Barb at Y-Knot Lace, www.y-knotlace.com has Robert Blacks DVD's. You can also look up Robert Black, Marlinspike Knot Works on you tube. He has teh best DVD's for braiding that I have seen. I have seen Brian Neuberts, and I have 4 Strands of Rawhide. Once you see Robert's stuff on you tube, you will understand why his are some of the best out there.

  5. Wow, Buck, in the spirit of Christmas, you are just a leader in sensitivity. Great job on the barter thing. I'm guessing you are going to be making a lot of those key rings so the guy can give them to his friends when you need another hide. Anyway, that would be my suggestion.

    The key ring looks great. Nice design. Like TXAG, I may have to "borrow" that design if you don't mind.

    Have a Merry Christmas if I don't chat with you before then.

  6. Paul Nolan of www.midwestwhips.com has or offers a Dene Williams Hand Splitter. It is $165.00 but temporarily out of stock. I have one of these and they are great. Look at the picture and you might be able to get someone to build you something similar or check with Paul on when he will have more available. The is probably the "bang for the buck" you will find for a splitter.

  7. I think I am going to experiment with this. I believe what you have told us here and I usually don't question things like this. I just want to try it myself so I can confirm what you have said and then pass it on to friends of mine. You may have "stumbled" on to something. I have some braiding I need to do in the near future so I will try this. Thanks for the information.

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