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  1. Thank you very much for your responses. I have made sure that the awl is very sharp and also given it a polish but it hasn't helped. I do also put scraps underneath when pricking but the hole is not ever big enough for the needle so I have to use the awl. I think that maybe I am using the wrong type of awl, here is a picture: http://pinterest.com/pin/483785184944754627/ Is it that I should be using an diamond shaped awl? Here are pictures...picture one shows the good side and picture two the messy side: http://pinterest.com/pin/483785184944754617/ http://pinterest.com/pin/483785184944754599/
  2. Hi everyone, Wondering if I could get some expert advice! I am currently working on some leather coin purses. For marking the stitching holes I use an edge crease and then a pricking iron. The pricking iron does go through the veg tan but makes a very small hole, meaning when I am stitching on the pony, I widen the hole using my awl to enable the needle to pass through. When I push the awl through, one side looks fine but on the back, the pressure of the awl is tearing the leather and it looks a bit cracked. On the finished product one side looks perfect but the back does not look the same, it looks a little messier. Whilst I am still very pleased with the outcome, I was wondering if there is any way I can prevent this? Or, is it a simple case of this is the way it is? Any help welcomed Thanks!
  3. Hi there, I am new to the forum and looking for some expert advice! I am currently working on a couple of little veg tan cases and would like to experiment with dyeing them pastel colours like pinks, blues, greens etc. I have seen this done and know it is possible but not sure where to source the dye (I am in the UK). Would rather not have to mix colours Any help greatly appreciated!
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