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About rowneyart

  • Birthday 03/02/1962

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Co. Durham, Northern England
  • Interests
    Painting, Poetry and Leather work.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Journal covers and pictures
  • Interested in learning about
    all aspects of leather work
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    via 'youtube'

rowneyart's Achievements


Member (2/4)

  1. Welcome to this fantastic site....wishing you every success with this brilliant craft and Art. I am also from England, Co. Durham. If you need any help please dont hesitate to mail me here. kind regards. Mark.
  2. To everyone above...Thank you for the warm and very generous welcome to this wonderful site.
  3. ...Thank you Red Cent, I will certainly give it a try and drop you a line to let you know how it goes...appreciate the assistance
  4. I wondered if anyone had some knowledge of a product or method by which i could 'stiffen' leather? I am currently making 3-dimentional pieces of work. Similar to 'paper cuts' but using 2-3 mm hide. The problem I am having is that when I cut out the negative space round my design...(in this case, a carved bouquet of grasses)...the stems are thin and the grass heads are too heavy and flop forward and down. If I could paint on the reverse of the leather a product that would make it stiff it would solve the problem.....Any help gratefully received. Thanks Members.
  5. super work. I love it...Thank you for posting this.
  6. Welcome Fellow Englander.....hope your business goes well and you continue to enjoy this wonderful art form. My names mark and hail from Co.Durham. I have been carving and working with leather for 25 years. You can check out my work in the gallery section or visit my website www.rowneyart.com I would be more than happy to help in any way I can...just drop me a line if you wish. All the best. Mark.
  7. wow...i love the shotgun case kit....where can i get one?....thanks for posting
  8. rowneyart

    Spade card

    very cool....very polished work. I am really enjoying your gallery. cheers mate
  9. I have found your work to be very refreshing. Thank for sharing all of it and I hope to see much more.

    1. rowneyart


      Thank you for your generous support. I will be uploading new work as I complete it.

  10. welcome to the house of fun sir......cant wait to see your first projects.
  11. Hi there, I wondered if anybody know whether it is possible to get a pattern/template to make a satchel. I have been making journal covers for quite some time now but would like to try some new work. Any advise is greatly appreciated
  12. Hi there...i am Mark and live up in the wooly wilds of Co.Durham...always nice to see a fellow Brit getting in to this great craft....mail me if you need some advise or help.
  13. hi mate....wish you best of luck with all your leather projects. I am also from the UK....mail me if you need any advise or help.
  14. rowneyart


    wonderful work and commitment to detail.....i would love the tool you used to create the hair/fur with.
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