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Posts posted by figthnbullrider

  1. Springfield leather also has them. I used to buy them from Tandy directly (just the spring), but I was told during a recent attempt that they are discontinuing that product and the spring will no longer be available.

    thank you. I actualy ordered from them. Zack white had a minimum order and also wanted way way to much to ship that silly clip.

  2. It's all in the little things. Proper spacing with the veiner, cams, etc. Good clean beveling with no chatter marks. Good clean matting/backgrounding to the same level. Using a petal lifter to lightly increase the height of certain portions. Antiquing the piece to help with the 3d. Choosing the right color to dye the background...or IF you dye the background......and getting it perfect so that there's no bleeding onto the floral design.

    ....the little things.

    I recommend comparing your work to the likes of Bob Park, King's X, Bobocat, Keith Siedel, Troy West, etc. Look at what they put into it vs. what you've got.

    When I compare anything of mine to bob park its like comparing finger painting to the Mona Lisa. But If i can get half way there i would be happy. Thanks for the advice I am going to try it with the belt im starting tommorow as well as some thing i have read off of the tutorials I just read threw. thanks for the help I think it will help alot. also when you dye the background are u using a small paint brush or something else

  3. Hello, I am having trouble with my floral carving and was looking for some help. I am currently working something and I will post it after my girlfriends birthday (dont want to spoil the suprize). But I wanted to know if those of you that are very good at it have any general pointers in what takes basic or avarage floral carving and makes it great or is it simply practice and doing it over and over. I have seen some really amazing works of art on here and I can't seem to take my work to the next level. I feel its ok and still looks nice but the things i make never seem to have that "perfect" look like many of some of the members on here do. Thanks for any advice i can get.

  4. i like the idea for someone like me who makes very few holsters. i think if you target people like me you might do well but you would need to raise your rental price. i would be willing to pay upto about a third of the cost of the blue gun i need. because i most likely will never need it again so even if i pay 15 dollars to rent it. its better then paying 45 to buy something im not going to use twice. just my input hope that helps

  5. Hi I have been sewing hair on cowhide for about 1 yr and I haven't found anything that works much better than the needle used to pull the hair out from under the stitches but I also had a question for you if you dont mind. Tandy just changed everything up on me and I can't figure out what size thread ive been using on my cowhide, I ordered two different sizes they offered and both were wrong, one was even so "waxy" it left a very large wax build up on the cowhide. Thanx very much

  6. Hi I make horse tack and I can't find hot pink rhinestone rivets anymore. tandy used to carry them but they dont anymore. I need 5 mm and 10 mm. I have googled for hours with no advance. If anyone knows where to find them please let me know. Any help would be awesome, Thank you very much.

  7. thanks for the replys guys. to be more clear I am not talking about the regular IWB because i have not found a way for someone who tucks in their shirt to properly hide this and we always have our shirt tucked in. if this is possible to tuck in with this holster i would love it if someone would show me a picture. the tuckable holsters i have made are always for the small of the back because it shows the least bump of the belt line in this spot. thanks again for the advice.

  8. i made a very nice tuckable conciled carry for my bersa 380 thanks to the help of the members of this forem. now it is my girlfriends dads birthday and he just got a new taurus 1911 and wants a tuckable that also has room for an extra magazine. im not sure if i can keep the clip that holds it to his belt in the same place with the extra magazine on the side or if i need a second clip to hold it to his belt better. any thoughts would be great

  9. :unsure: What kind of antique solution are you going to be using? different kinds of antiquing will be used in different ways. Some you will want to leave on and let dry some you will want to get off right away. There are several other things that you will want to take into account. :feedback:

    honestly i dont know. i didnt know there were diffrent kinds. what do you use and what would you sugest. i have only seen it used and i have a basket weave project i would like to try it on. thanks

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