My My I feel like I just made 11 new friends. How nice.
Thank you David for telling me that the funny little faces are emoticons.
MaxxEmpire: When my daughter was riding with me a lot it was a very special time for us as we really developed our relationship. But now that she would rather duck hunt, that closeness is still there. So I'm very grateful for those times. But hey, if there's a brandin' to go to, she's still right there. She's quite the heeler. Plus we can use her big 'ole boyfriend on the ground and save my back.
Bruce: Oakdale - yes took a mare down to the Knights Ferry area to breed many years ago. I live in Sutter County in the shadow of the smallest mountain range in the world - the Sutter Buttes - an extinct pliocene era volcano. Very unique place with many and various oddities. Privately owned for the most part. One may go on hikes with the Middle Mountain Foundation to see the interior. Or if you're one lucky cowboy you get to chase cattle through the Blue Oaks. That was indescribable joy. But alas we lost that lease where we had Spring calvers. I can still ride there, but no calves to tag
Regis, Billsotx, and Don 101: Thank you for the kind words on the saddle.
Johanna: Thank you for the wonderful information on doing pictures and such. I will endeavor to use that info and be a good member, but like most of us, time is more valuable than money. My time just for doing this little post is currently robbing me of much needed sleep. So much to do, so little time.
Beaverslayer, Horsehair Braider and Mr. Freak: Thank you for the compliments on the saddle. But pictures are one thing, seeing it live is another. And it was built with an instructor looking over my shoulder, helping and correcting me the whole way. And Hairbraider, it sounds funny now, but at the time that I roped that dog, it was too late. He turned the bunch of pairs coming into the corrall and it took us about an hour to run them down again and headed back to it. But hey, its a good still agood story.
So thanks one and all. And attached below is a very poor picture of saddle No 2. Made with very minimal help from my instructor. Doesn't have the horn wrap on it yet. A Bowman tree. Saddle No.1 is a Wade tree. Good night and talk to you all soon.