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Everything posted by oldgringo

  1. this is not really a new topic. I started it several weeks ago and was having a lovely time getting information, maybe some patterns from some very kind gentlemen and conversing with new friends. That was just after Christmas. Then my son came home on leave from the Navy so I was busy being with him and then a big storm blew through and we lost power and water for three days etc. etc. So if anyone could tell me how to get back to the thread or do we have to start all over? Help? OG
  2. Thanks Mr. Rawhider. I'll have to digest that for awhile And thanks Mike. I would appreciate your help.
  3. Howdy: Would anyone know where I can find a pattern for eagle beak or other similarly styled tapaderos?
  4. rdb: Thanks for the link. Alway looking to increase my selection of suppliers. Prices seem pretty reasonable. How fast is the shipping. Weaver takes a week or longer. I often need the stuff sooner, but have to wait. Seigle of Calif. is the fastest I've found. Light speed - next day. But I only get leather from thme, no hardware. OG
  5. Johanna: What a moving story. Thank you so much for this forum and God Bless You!
  6. I have been taught that certain parts of the hide are used for certain parts of a saddle and also other types of tack. So I think about what part of the cow hide I am cutting and what part of the saddle it will be for. Sometimes I also think about a charolais cross cow that broke a transverse lumbar process off my spine. So not only is beef good to eat and hide good to make things from but it's also revenge.
  7. Absolutely incredible. Very nice indeed. Where might one find a pattern for those taps?
  8. My My I feel like I just made 11 new friends. How nice. Thank you David for telling me that the funny little faces are emoticons. MaxxEmpire: When my daughter was riding with me a lot it was a very special time for us as we really developed our relationship. But now that she would rather duck hunt, that closeness is still there. So I'm very grateful for those times. But hey, if there's a brandin' to go to, she's still right there. She's quite the heeler. Plus we can use her big 'ole boyfriend on the ground and save my back. Bruce: Oakdale - yes took a mare down to the Knights Ferry area to breed many years ago. I live in Sutter County in the shadow of the smallest mountain range in the world - the Sutter Buttes - an extinct pliocene era volcano. Very unique place with many and various oddities. Privately owned for the most part. One may go on hikes with the Middle Mountain Foundation to see the interior. Or if you're one lucky cowboy you get to chase cattle through the Blue Oaks. That was indescribable joy. But alas we lost that lease where we had Spring calvers. I can still ride there, but no calves to tag Regis, Billsotx, and Don 101: Thank you for the kind words on the saddle. Johanna: Thank you for the wonderful information on doing pictures and such. I will endeavor to use that info and be a good member, but like most of us, time is more valuable than money. My time just for doing this little post is currently robbing me of much needed sleep. So much to do, so little time. Beaverslayer, Horsehair Braider and Mr. Freak: Thank you for the compliments on the saddle. But pictures are one thing, seeing it live is another. And it was built with an instructor looking over my shoulder, helping and correcting me the whole way. And Hairbraider, it sounds funny now, but at the time that I roped that dog, it was too late. He turned the bunch of pairs coming into the corrall and it took us about an hour to run them down again and headed back to it. But hey, its a good still agood story. So thanks one and all. And attached below is a very poor picture of saddle No 2. Made with very minimal help from my instructor. Doesn't have the horn wrap on it yet. A Bowman tree. Saddle No.1 is a Wade tree. Good night and talk to you all soon.
  9. Hello. I am a new member from North California. I have joined this site to learn more about making saddles, tack, and that kind of thing. I have never been in a forum before so this all looks very strange, but I went to college so I have hope I can pick this language up. Like, what is an emoticon? I would like to post some pictures but I see something about they have to be a certtain size in some KB range, Is it 100? My pictures seem to have higher numbers, some with MBs. How would I make them smaller to post? I feel about as green as Spring grass here (and hoping I really do see some this Sprng), but everyone seems reasonably able to put up with new folks. I just finished my third saddle. This one and number 2 were made for friends due to a deal my instructor cut with them. I made them pretty much for cost so that I could get more experience. Saddle No. 1 went to my daughter. About the time I finished it she was busy with other actitivites and riding with out with myself and other old men did not appeal to her much so she has been in it only twice I think. I finished it in '05. So I ride it. I 've roped mother cows, calves, posts, one dog that was in the gate stopping the cattle from going through, big rocks, and other stuff. And it seems to be comfortable and serviceable. Saddle No. 2 went to a cowboy who claims it is comfortable and and I've seen him rope a variety of living creatures with good results. No. 3 is going to another cowboy and it will see a lot of miles and dallies. I'm hoping it is a good brother to the other two. Well, I see a chance to shut up - so I will. The Old Gringo Oh my goodness! I see below now where I can attach a picture that can be 2MBs. So here goes. That would be Tess's saddle.
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