Thank you all for the very kind words!
My style of mask making is a bit unorthadox from the traditional wooden face mold method. Here is a very basic description of my method.
All my molding is done by hand and a few simple tools; Awl, ball point stylus, two different rounded ended handles of old paint brushes (one broad & one narrow) and a ball peen hammer.
I cut out the basic shape I want -including the eyes (this takes some practice to know just where they should go)
I case the leather.
I use my hands as the negative mold and the various points of the tools as the positives.
If I roll the edges I use the hammer for a little added umph.
I then twist, pull, stretch, compress, pinch, fold, etc. the mask into the desired shape. As it dries I try it on for basic comfort and adjust as nessessary.
For example; the eyebrows are raised by pinching the leather, then laying the raised ridge in the furrow of two fingers I clean up the line with the stylus from behind.
I do lots of detail work in addition and there is of course the dyeing and painting where I use both hand brushing and airbrushing for both.
But that's the basics.
PS-William, I am often in Fairburn for the faire there in the Spring.