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Paramount Saddlery

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About Paramount Saddlery

  • Rank
  • Birthday July 30

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  • Interests
    English Saddle making

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    case making
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  1. Sorry about that. I just changed the setting on this facebook post. I had no idea it wasn't public. I should stick to sewing machines and awls I think !
  2. Its working fine for me. TRY THIS SEAT VIDEO. thanks for your patience.
  3. Just finished a custom motorcycle seat. Pretty proud of it considering my skill set has been focused elsewhere for so many years. This was a collaboration with a leather artisan who did all the tooling. https://www.facebook.com/christian.lowe.100/videos/pcb.10210000209668563/10210000192148125/?type=3&theater
  4. This is fantastic insight. I wish more people were generous with their experience. You're bang on when you say saddlers want to make a fortune in 6 months ! I have had some strange conversations with the Walsall crowd.
  5. Thanks for the input. i appreciate it. I have tried training someone on the basics, I will revisit that for sure. I struggle now with getting up to three saddles a week on a regular basis(Two young children keep me on my toes). It would be great to see that as the low end ! I would love to talk to you about the running of a saddlery school. I believe North America could support something like that.
  6. Thats a shame. Lovely part of the world. I did some training at the saddlery school in the galashiels. all the best.
  7. Thank you for the comments ! this is why I put it out there as a short term thing. Hoping someone may want to treat it as a working holiday ? I don't know what the solution is but I'm determined to find one. What part of the world are you from Alan ?
  8. Thanks for the info. No easy path in this industry it seems. I will beat the bushes anywhere and see what comes up.
  9. So in an effort to get help in my high peak times I am floating an idea around the web. I am a one man show that really needs two ! If anyone knows of an experienced saddle maker (English type)that might be laid off or looking for a change from the same old same old or someone looking to immigrate to Canada and wants to test the waters. Maybe you are experienced in one area of the leather trade and want to expand your knowledge base ? Maybe you have just graduated from a saddlery program and need some real world experience ? The idea is basically that I want to invite a qualified person to come work with me for short periods of time. We learn from each other, make a few saddles, make a little bit of money and learn about each others culture. If this sounds appealing to you or someone you know please let me know. I will provide more details to anyone seriously interested. Thank you for your time and positive feedback. Basically the same post on my linkedin profile https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/add-international-experience-your-resume-christian-lowe?trk=prof-post
  10. Thats it in a nutshell ! Love where I live but its remote as far as the leather trade goes.
  11. Many Thanks ! I know Simards well. Unfortunately I am out of their service range. I did speak with Campbell Randall, they are incredible ! I may have my problem sorted thanks to them. Still would love to have someone in the shop for a day going over things with me. Thanks again for reaching out.
  12. Still looking for tech support with my splitter. Really appreciate anyone who can point me in the right direction.
  13. I need help setting up my OMSA splitter. Affectionally known as my scrap making machine. I am looking for someone who is comfortable setting my machine up and showing me how to maintain the performance of the machine. Looking for someone who can fly into Sault Ste Marie for a day. expenses and day rate to be negotiated. Please share with anyone you think may be able to help me. Thanks
  14. Love your work on instagram ! we have a lot of the same interest.
  15. Thanks, in a hurry to snap a pic before I shipped !
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