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  1. Message sent
  2. How old is it? Any videos of it skiving leather?
  3. Thanks for all the help- Campbell Randall sent me parts and operating manual electronic version.
  4. Anyone have any experience with Tippmann 700 Clicker performance on 13-15 oz ? I am looking for a clicker solution different from my hydraulic H frame HF press. This will be for smaller saddle parts like rosettes, buck rolls, latigo keepers, and spur straps, chap parts and the like out of 13-15 oz Hermann Oak.
  5. Keep the updates coming on the course and the experience and add some photos if you can! Enjoy your course.
  6. Thanks HS- I reached out by email to Dan at Campbell Randall just as I posted this request and wanted to see if anyone from the forum had manuals as well.
  7. Looking for Randall #132 Strap Cutter Users/Owners and Parts Manual. Ed
  8. Dwight, Thanks for the recommendation on how you get vinyl to practice with.. Still does not equal the pattern route as I have described especially on fit and finish.
  9. Dwight, Thanks for the suggestion- i have already done the Google and youtube search multiple times over. "Looks really simple to make" from an online picture will end in multiple iterations before success and wasted leather. Thats how i started making saddles and decades later still work to perfect patterns even on the simplest piece. LOL. Hence the pattern request. If all else fails and no pattern exist then of course I would go that picture route if I can not get a pattern that is close and adapt or find a asample that I could leverage to shorten the learning and creativity curve.
  10. PastorBob- thanks for the recommendation but I did look at those patterns and not representative of the English classic style of gun slip I am looking for.
  11. Anyone have a pattern for English shotgun leather slip case? Interested in flap and zipper closure style with plug at the tip/end. Would be for a side by side English style shotgun.
  12. Looking for advice on building a new shop/building as part of a new leather business. This is not a question about converting my existing garage-my shop is already in my garage. Has anybody done this? Any experiences/recommendations for financing as part of the business? I will be getting with my accountant for input but just want to get any ideas or lessons learned from the leather workers. Thanks for any help.
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