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About JJNorman2323

  • Birthday 05/18/1985

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  • Location
    West Virginia

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  1. So I picked up a barely used Master Tools leather Splitter, was told and can confirm it is ~ 1 year old. When I checked out the demo at Weaver the same machine was splitting 5 oz. leather down to 2-3 oz with ease. I have calibrated my splitter per the instructions but can't get it to split with this precision. It currently tends to start splitting a piece of leather correctly then the top layer gets thinner and thinner and stops skiving usually about 2 inches into a strip of leather Does anyone have experience with this machine and can offer some advice how to calibrate it to split thinner leather? I have noticed the bottom roller, which is spring loaded, gets pushed down too easily. Thanks in advance. Josh
  2. This wallet looks lovely. How did you finish the edges on the pockets, they look perfect!
  3. This is not my work, and I must give credit where credit is due, this looks awesome. I have tried and tried to achieve this look with my dye and can't seem to come close. Does anyone know how this look is achieved? Do I need to use a combo of dyes, antiques, and stains or is this something that can be done with dye alone? Thanks for any help, it is greatly appreciated! Josh
  4. Does anyone have experience with the English Kip from Hide house? https://hidehouse.com/products/index.html?Product_ID=941 I always thought kip was synonymous with calf but these hides are averaging 20-25 sq. ft as opposed to the usual 10-12 sq. ft usually seen in calf. Thanks, Josh
  5. Hello everyone, I am having a problem with wrinkles or creases in many of my leather wallets. They almost always show up while stitching, after I have properly dyed and sealed my leather. I am using some of tandy's 2-3oz veg tan for my wallets. Is this a product of cheap leather or is it something I am doing to cause these wrinkles and creases? The pictures show the wrinkles/creases near the stitching but just as often they appear in the middle of the piece. Pictures attached
  6. Hello All, I have been leather working for just about two years but just recently joined the forums. I primarily make small leather goods like wallets, card holders, small bags, etc and would love for you all to critique my most recent wallet design. Its a bi-fold made from brown chrome-tan ~ 4oz in weight with Havana Cigar Tiger thread. It is a bit thick so any recommendations for thinner leather is greatly appreciated! Thanks! Josh Shot of the outside
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