Usually anything that you do to antiques is going to detract from the value of the item.If it was me I would use it as a pattern and make one like it
Where in central Fl? I was born and raised in Sarasota and lived in Gardner which is between Arcadia and Zolfo Springs for the last five years I lived in FL
Thank you for you response. I've just started with the leatherwork, mostly practice have been using a leather mallet. Figured a maul would be more effective.
Thanks again,
I'm just starting our in my leatherwork hobby. After reading the messages on here I've decided that I'm going to lay down my mallet and get a maul. Decided to go with one of the Barry King models. My question is the different styles: the straight and the tapered. Do each have their own uses or are they interchangeable? What are the advantages and disadvantages in each.
Thanks in advance for your responses.