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About bernie

  • Birthday 07/28/1946

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  • Location
    Westeern Creek Tasmania Australia
  • Interests
    Whip making and engraving.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Whip making
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    everything to do with leather
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  1. About 60 hours all up and used approximately 2 square meters of kangaroo hide.That translates to about three good sized hides.
  2. A bull whip that I made for a customer recently.
  3. Better late than never. Multiply the diameter by 4.5 and then divide that by the number of strands you want to use. So if you have a diameter of 25mm,I use metric because I find it easier, multiplied by 4.5 equals 112.5 divide that by say 10 just to make it easy and your strands would be 11.25mm. If you have strands already that are a certain width just divide your number by the width of your strands and you will have the number of strands to use.
  4. In the Argentinian style for the pattern work,sorry I took so long to answer,haven't been here for awhile.As for keeping the pattern straight it's just concentration and lots of practice.
  5. Looks like a pretty good first attempt,good work.
  6. G'day All. I just finished uploading my latest video to my youtube channel http://www.youtube.c...eature=mhee on how to make a stock whip thong.This was #3 in a set of 3. I have quite a few videos on my channel, about 35 at last count that cover making a bull whip, 3 1 hour videos,knots,fancy plaiting and different types of plaiting. If anyone is interested just go to my channel and you might find something useful there. You are very welcome to download them onto your computer to watch at your leisure,there are numerous free programs out there that will allow you to do this and if you use Firefox for your browser there is an add on that you can attach to your toolbar. Hope these can be of some help to anyone starting out and if you have any questions regarding whip making or plaiting feel free to get in touch with me through email.I would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.
  7. All to true. Lucky there are still some people out there who can recognize quality and are willing to pay for it otherwise we would all be on welfare.
  8. That particular whip sold for $1800.00 usd
  9. About 50 hours give or take an hour or perhaps two or three.You kind of get lost in time when your making something like this.
  10. That is an engraved sterling silver ring. When asked I supply engraved silver rings with initials or logos. I make each ring and engrave it myself to fit the whip.
  11. I was recently asked to make a 32 plait 3 tone bull whip for a customer. The commission was that the body of the whip had to look like a coral snake colours yellow,red,yellow black. The main thing and the most difficult was to make sure that the strips of colour went around the whip in one ring and not all over the place. Might look easy but it took a bit of working out. The handle design was left up to me.This is the photo I was given to work off.http://snakesfb.blogspot.com.au/2013/01/coral-snake.html
  12. I have a couple of videos on youtube that might be of some help. and this is #1 of a series of 4 videos tying the same knot in one colour.
  13. Thanks Caroline and thanks to all for the comments. Also thanks for the lighting tip Caroline.Just now purchased one on ebay from Melbourne so I can give it a try.
  14. G'day All. Just finished this stock whip for a friend consisting of a 24 plait black and natural thong and 32 plait handle with engraved sterling silver ring.Can't get a good shot of the ring because it is to bright so if anyone has any tips out there for taking photos of bright objects it would be appreciated.
  15. If your ever down in Tassie Jock make sure you come up for a cuppa.
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