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Everything posted by Anubis78

  1. Perfect, I'll be on the look out for the tape. As soon as I get info from both companies, I will let you know. The German company, Sieck, has both a hand cranked and motorized model. But again, I've been trying to close on a sale since June... http://www.sieck.de/en/machines/belt-manufacturing/
  2. Sonydaze, The machine was only $200!? That's a hell of a good deal! I've sent communications to both companies, so hopefully the pricing isn't too bad. Is there a specific brand of double sided tape that you use that you would suggest? I saw that Tandy has 2 types of double sided tape, one that is repositionable, the other listed as an adhesive.
  3. Also, I've seen what looks like a bias tape maker (picture attached is a bias tape maker) being used by a leather worker on what I assume was maybe a 2oz leather. 8' not for sure if it was some specialty tool or not, but it was something I noticed and the person who used it was being very secretive about it.
  4. I will definitely look into them. How are their prices?
  5. Sonydaze, Wow... which companies do this? I'm relatively new and would like to avoid any sellers that would do this. You can pm me if you don't want to publicly post that information. Also I agree with what you said and my experience with them has been great. No complaints here.
  6. Here are two pictures of the straps. One shows and end view of a tri folded strap that was sewn. The other is of two unsewn straps: one with each side folded to the middle and one folded in 3rds. Something I will do is invest in a skiving machine to reduce the thickness of the outer edge.
  7. Big Sioux Saddlery, I'm assuming that they are no longer in production or are hard to come by? Do you recall which companies were offering the machines?
  8. Brian, That machine is actually the one that I was looking at from Italy, but I think that the retailer is different. That is the machine that's was $8000+, which is WAY outside of my budget. The German company has a folding machines from 695-1200€, plus 100€ for each of the folding guides. I actually emailed them again to get a dialog going. I'd definitely be interested in learning a more efficient way of folding and gluing the leather. Please show me pictures of the device that you have constructed. I've been doing it all by hand from cutting the strips, marking a line on the glued side as a guide line for one edge of the strap, gluing, and then finally folding the strap. I'll try to attach a photo if I can reduce the size of the image of the bi and tri folded straps. But I'm trying to find a way to simplify and become more efficient with this process. The other night it took roughly 5-5.5 hours to create 16 22" straps from start to finish. So anyway to improve this process, I'm open to trying!
  9. Thank you. I will contact them regarding the snaps. I noticed that they sell the pieces separately, so I will contact them with question to insure that I purchase posts that will fit the other pieces of hardware that I have to avoid waste. Any suggestions for grommets?
  10. In an effort to improve efficiency in strap production, I am in search of a machine that could fold 1 - 5oz leather for strap making. I have found difficulty finding these machines and have not been able to solidify a purchase from 2 machines I came across online. Both companies are in Europe. The first is a German company where the contact seems to have very little interest in finalizing a sale (there might be a slight language barrier and I understand that the tone of German can be perceived as harsh); I was literally told that he was too busy with other orders and projects to give me information on how to make the purchase. The price point was highly attractive, but I can seem to get the guy to work towards closing a sale. the second is an Italian company who does not do direct sales it would appear. I was able to track down one of their distributors, but due to dealing with a middle man, the machine plus shipping was over $8k (shipping from Italy to the distributor and then the distributor shipping it to me by freight... not efficient at all). Also the 2-3 month delivery time made the deal even less attractive. So if anyone knows of machines or companies that I can look into, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thank you all in advance.
  11. I've recently run into a delima regarding folded leather straps that I created where I intend to layer one folded strap on top of a wider folded strap. The issue that I am having is that my grommets and snaps are deep enough to set properly as the neck and posts don't clear the layers. I'd need grommets and snaps that are about 3/8 in depth/length. In this case, I am not looking for suggestions on shaving or altering the piece; I'm specifically looking for hardare that can can handle the depth of the project. Any vendor suggestions would be great! Thank you in advance!
  12. Are the accounts that you all have with them actual business accounts on their wholesale side or are these high volume discount based on signing in on their retail side? I recently registered with them with a business account and there was only a minimum initial purchase on the opening order (see attached image snapshot of a portion of the email that I received). I am unsure if there are minimums for future orders, but they never mentioned anything about a yearly minimum order. If you haven't registered for a business wholesale account, I'd say it's easy to do. Just be sure you have any your FEIN number and any state related tax account numbers. The savings have been better for me as a newbie as I did purchase items from them at retail price. Now if you guys have better suggestions on wholesalers, send them my way.
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