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About borjaider

  • Birthday January 2

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    I'm still learning the basics
  • Interested in learning about
    Types of leather, sewing and professional finishes
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  1. Thank you Bob! It's a bit help. I'll ditch the dremel idea by now then...
  2. I found a very nice video about this. The leather looks too thick to me, though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mHnZE-8d9o
  3. Hello everyone! I'm rather new around here, and after reading a bit and getting some practice with spare leather pieces I decided to begin the real work by making a simple wallet. I'd like to show all the steps here to help other beginners like me and, more importantly, ask doubts to all the kind, handsome, wise and experienced craftsmen around :-) 1 - Choices, choices... I found a simple and nice folding wallet that I liked at a shop in my neighborhood. After silently staring at it like a lunatic for about 45 minutes I made a little sketch : 1.1-Material I'm on a mariana-trench-level budget but I got some ok scraps from a tanner (Is that how it's called?? Where they sell leather hides?? :-S ), some black ones and a big beige piece. No idea of the animal or type, but they'll do right now :-) It's not a very thick material so I won't be sewing by hand, but by machine. I'll try to follow this type of process: That means skiving the leather to finish the sides, either with a hand tool or using a dremel. QUESTION: In the video they use "water based glue". Any idea of which could that be? I'll be using a regular one that I can find easily, anyway. FABRIC: Should I use cotton, nylon, polyester...? All the wallets I've looked into seem to have some kind of nylon fabric. Next steps: drawing the pattern (using autocad), uploading some photos of the leather.
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