I first learned the basic of leather crafting/carving in high school art class when I was 15 (1975). I started my first business then, buying Tandy pre-embosed belt blanks and buckles, finishing and assembling them. When I had made enough money, I purchased a Tandy basic leather crafing kit with tools and expanded the offerig to hand tooled wallets, bags, etc. As I remember it, that work was pretty crude.
After getting an engineering degree, I picked it back up again and decided to try and improve my tooling skills and skills in general. With no shops in the area, I did this by buying the books and teaching myself (pre-internet days)
While workig a real job, I started another leather side business, the Wallace River Leather Company, but about 20 years ago packed away my tools and any leather pieces I had to focus on my new business I started that made use of my engineering education.
I'm retired now so I've blown the dust off my tools and am back it trying to rememeber what I knew and, through sites like this, learn something new. "Work" that isn't work anymore.
For those interested, the picture attached is one of the first carving I did 39 years ago.
You can see some pieces from 25 to 30 years ago at www.wallaceriverleather.wordpress.com. I hope you will notice some carving improvement. The better ones will be closer to 25 years ago.
I am sure that WRLC "The Retirement Project" pieces will be posted from time to time.