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Everything posted by vhoang1102

  1. Hello everyone, I intend to make shoes for my wife. I see http://cordwainertools.com/ has a women pumps shoes making video. This is the link "http://cordwainertools.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=222". Do you have digital version and can you share to me? Thanks so much, Hoang
  2. Hi all, I'm setting up a skiving system belt sander. Does anyone has picture or video about this system, please share to me, thanks in advance!
  3. thanks so much Art
  4. thanks so much Wild Bill46, you make me happy all day
  5. Hello everyone, Can you please tell me is there anyone who make shoe last for order? I see some shoes really nice and I want to make it myself, but I cannot make shoe last like that. Thanks so much, Hoang
  6. hi mr Joe, thanks so so much for your reply. can you share me your facebook or email? Can I contact you when I have question or problem when making shoes
  7. thanks everyone so much, especially Mr Bob Park. Your comments are very helpful, they make me opened widely. I will apply them to the upcoming products.
  8. Hi everyone, The first I want to give my greeting to everyone here. I'm a newbie and I'm going to learn how to make dress shoes. Can you list out all the handmade tool to make dress shoes (no include machine)? I want to buy these tools outside my country because I'm living in Vietnam and the tools are very poor quality. One more question: Can you show me the material to learn like website, video or book... Thanks so much everyone!
  9. Hi all, I'm from Vietnamese and a newbie in this forum. I learn a lot from this forum. Today I want to bring many thanks to everyone and show you a new women wallet. This is a gift for my wife in 20/10 day (this day is women day in my country ^^)
  10. Hi Jonh, Thanks for your reply. I will try and update to you later Hoang
  11. Hi all, Can you please look at my edge and give me some advices? I sanded the edge carefully and followed with Mr Bob Park instruction, but the line between layers don't disappear How can I finish the edge like Mr Bob Park Thanks in advance, Hoang
  12. Hi Parkov, Can you tell me what knid of leather that you used inside the wallet? Thanks, Hoang Vu
  13. Hi all, Can you please give me some advice in buying leather from this site "http://www.sdtradingco.com/leather-tooling.htm". I'm living from Vietnamese, and I see that the shipping cost is too low, about 23$ per 25sqft. I also see that Tandy leather ship to Vietnamese about 170$ per 25sqft. So I wonder why the site "sdtradingco" has too low shipping cost? Is there anyone has done business with this site? Thanks so much, Hoang Vu
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