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Everything posted by DelNeroDesigns

  1. Do you have a straight on shot of your treadle with the clutch? I have a machine with a unmounted 4 pulley clutch and I am unsure how to mount it under the new table top I purchase for my Singer 17-1
  2. Hi everyone, I need help figuring out how to mount a 4 pulley clutch on my Singer Treadle Base. I Googled all the terms I thought would call up a image to help me but I am at a loss. Is there anyone out there that is familiar with old Singer Treadles that can advise me? Your help would be highly appreciated. Sincerely, Bryn Tarr CostumeBiz
  3. Hi Whiz, I will see if I can find some to try. Thank you! Bryn Resetting needle bars??? way outta my league. I will google it though to see what's involved. Thanks Bryn
  4. Hi Everyone, I am looking for help with a needle dilemma I purchased a old Singer 144WSV37 according to all the materials I have read this machine should take a 7 x 3 needle but I bought some and they are too long for the machine. The machine came with only one needle and I cannot read the print on it even with magnifiers. Could I ask y'all to take a look at the needles in the picture? The longer one is a 7 x 3 Organ needle next to it is the needle out of the Singer it is about 1/3 inch shorter... I am stumped could it be a 7 x 19 size 27 needle? I am in desperate need of needles HEEEEEELLLLLPPP! Thank you Bryn
  5. Hey Big Dave will that Adler 169-373 sew 277 thread?

  6. I am getting ready to sell mine once I find a motorized machine.
  7. I am looking at a used one now are there replacement belts available? Bryn
  8. Welcome to Del Nero Designs we offer limited run one of a kind and small runs of High end Costumes, Accessories and Props. Our award wining designer Bryn Tarr is an experienced seamstress, sculptor and leather worker. She creates beautiful works of art and theatrical quality Costumes, Accessories and Props. Bryn has wowed crowds and competes in Costume competitions, most recently Anime Expo 2017 Best in Class Masters, Stan Lee's LA Comic Con 2016 - "2nd Place Masters Ensembles", Long Beach Comic Con 2016 - "Best Sewing Construction" ,San Diego Comic con - Honorable mention Most Humorous, Anime Expo 2016 - "Best Construction" , Long Beach Comic con 2015 "Best Fabrication" , 1st Place at Nerd Con 2015, 2nd Place at the premiere of Cosplay Dreams 3D 2015, and several awards at Comic-con International’s Masquerade years 2011, 2012 and 2013. Bryn's Armor has been featured in the Epic Skyrim Fan Film "Skyrim Into the Void" and "Skyrim The Aftermath" and her work can also…

  9. Looking for a list of older sewing machines that can handle #277 and #346 thread and also for a used machine at a reasonable price. Am sewing thick leather straps have been using my Hand crank Boss but need to move onto a motorized machine. Thank you! Bryn
  10. I bought these tools on Ebay believing them to be Saddle making creasers/edgers. Looking to find out how to use them. They are from the mid 1800's made in Paris!
  11. I bought these tools on ebay.. I believe them to be Creasers for saddle making.. Most are from Paris circa mid 1800's. Does anyone out there use these types of tools?
  12. Northern San Diego County.. Ramona to be exact
  13. That's thinking outside the box! Great creativity I love the combinations..I'm still working from tutorials..have'nt experimented yet. Bryn
  14. Beautiful Work! Do you work on Saddles to? I've got a question about a couple of vintage creasers. Regards, Bryn
  15. I can relate to that.. I inadvetinly bleached my colored concrete drvieway while rinsing off a board I was bleaching. It's powerful stuff!
  16. If it's not too personal can you give me an idea how much the plates cost? I'd love to see your work. Bryn
  17. Hi Tina, The chain is hand sewn to a leather strap that is riveted to the center piece. I did'nt like the idea of chain only due to the fact it would wear into the nose and possibly cause issues with the horse. I accented it with rivets. Barrel Racers..hmmm I had'nt thought about Racers..I'll have to research that market. Thanks for the tip.
  18. Hi I've sanded the piece and then used a match or candle to burn off the fuzz then applied a heavy wax sealer.
  19. I am interested in doing (Armor) leather plates similar to the metal ones of old. Does anyone know how to create blocks for pressing designs into wet leather? I have done linoleum block carving in design school to create repeats on fabric..Could a linoleum block be made to press leather? I guess I'm looking for a short cut to tracing and tooling. I imagine such a block would require hand fine tuning. I've dabbled with drawing my designs on computer then printing it out and tacking the design on the leather with spray adhesive and tooling right on the paper (no tracing) upside..no cut lines to tell where your toolings off..downside images requires a second go round to get a crisp edge.
  20. Hi to All, I am new to leather working. Spent years in the Fashion industry working on sportswear. Dabbled with repairing Dooney bourke handbags..recoloring re-edging. I was inspired by my Friesian to design costume bridles. My goal is to make it to the silver screen.. I am interested in doing (Armor) leather plates similar to the metal ones of old. Does anyone know how to create blocks for pressing designs into wet leather? I have done linoleum block carving in design school to create repeats on fabric..Could a linoleum block be made to press leather? I guess I'm looking for a short cut to tracing and tooling. I imagine such a block would require hand fine tuning. I've dabbled with drawing my designs on computer then printing it out and tacking the design on the leather with spray adhesive and tooling right on the paper (no tracing) upside..no cut lines to tell where your toolings off..downside images requires a second go round to get a crisp edge.
  21. I bought it to bleach wood when trying to color match a piece. Check with a woodworkers supply. Are you using it to bleach leather?
  22. I bought a bottle of resist for water color and tried painting one coat and using oil stain overtop. I only used one coat and I thought the oil stain bled too far into the resist for the trouble. I also tried melting beeswax and painting overtop it. The beeswax was tougher to work with. One cool thing about the beeswax is the cool marbling you can acheive. I painted on a scrap piece and crinkled it by bending, then put a light stain on it..kinda looked like aligator hide. I've also stained the lighter color first and sealed it with top cote to resist taking up the darker second color.
  23. This is my first design Jan 2008. I spent the last several months of 2007 tooling up and it was my new years resolution to get into production. I have several more designs in works and hope to sell my designs and produce custom Bridles and harnesses. I am on the hunt for unique metal buckles and hardware..conchos etc... any reccomendations?
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