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Everything posted by Klodds

  1. Here's a photo of the inside of the blade––that centre washer must have to come out but it's not apparent how to go about doing that. The hole in the centre of the silver ring is threaded; by my guess the thread size is 15/64-28.
  2. Hi there, So I noticed a bit of a knock while operating my AV2 the other day—after some exploring I discovered that there is a slight bit of play in the bushing holding the bell knife, not much mind you, but enough that I can move the blade and mounting plate from left to right about 1/32” and it makes a noise. I investigated further and found that I have no idea how to remove the dampener pin in order to get at the bell knife mounting screws. I have a flat washer looking piece with no obvious way to unthread it—I’m assuming this piece is threaded like most other machines I’ve work on. It also looks like there is threading on the small hole in the center—maybe I am missing a part here? I have no idea what’s happened; I’ve been operating this machine problem free for 6 years. Anyone have any ideas? Or if you have an older AV2 could you send photos of your blade mount assembly? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks! Keegan
  3. The machine came with an Efka pneumatic setup on it, but I would prefer it on a regular servo/manual setup so I’ve stripped it down. Whoever installed the system removed the side cover plate to make room for the piston for the auto reverse. The photo is not the actual machine, just a stock photo for reference to the part.
  4. Neel’s saddlery had this part in stock—thanks for the help!
  5. Thanks kgg, appreciate that Thanks for the part number—I was having trouble finding the service manual, and this part isn’t listed in the instruction or service manuals. Looked up that part number and found a .pdf of the engineer’s manual.
  6. Hi there, looking for a replacement stitch length/reverse plate for my Juki TSC-441—does anyone happen to have one on a parts machine or know where I can go to get one? thanks! keegan
  7. Hi, I am looking to buy a set of Rampart edge bevelers, I’ve had the chance to try these out recently and they are my favourite style of edger - if you or someone you know happen to have any of these I would be happy to purchase them. I’ve done my research across various vintage hand tool dealers I am aware of with no luck - posting here is my last attempt! thanks, Keegan
  8. Is there a reason for the snapped flap over the top of this bag? Looks like it definitely has a zippered closure already and the flap certainly isn't wide enough to offer any water protection. I'm just curious - perhaps it's just for style points.
  9. I'm fairly sure this is what Tfarage was referring to: https://imgur.com/gallery/NPZcW Some variations have a different handle/loop on the end but the basic idea remains the same. All you need is a 12-16" separating zipper.
  10. Klodds

    WTB: Hot press

    I found something, thanks.
  11. I’m definitely interested - could you get a price for shipping to Burlington, ON, L7R 2V1? If shipping was cheaper without the table I would probably take just the head and motor.
  12. Klodds

    WTB: Hot press

    Hey, I'm looking for a hot foil press - in the Toronto, Ontario area. If you have one, or know of someone who does, please get in touch! I'm interested in Kingsley, Kwikprint, or an odd-ball press if it has a minimum 1" x 3" channel. Thanks, Keegan
  13. I like the Soledi thread - it's not a very high quality thread, but as long as you aren't pushing 200 stitches in a row, it holds up nicely and is cost effective. I use the beige and the brown regularly. It freys very easily (it's braided, not a tri-cord) so make sure you melt your ends. I was using Maine polycord for years but I found that the excess wax caused horrible discoloring on anything bigger than a card wallets when using natural colour thread. The wax on the thread picks up pigment. 30-40 stitches was a maximum in terms of a good hand stitch with Maine. For the a while now I've been running my Maine polycord through the feed on my 29K Singer with a bit of heat to clean up the excess wax for hand stitching. This method helped A LOT with the colour but seriously, not even close to worth the effort. (I wanted to use up the thread I had left) I still use Maine's colored threads, but never the natural or white threads. Soledi will still give you cheap looking stitching (not that the customer cares) - if you want to make your handstitching look the best it can, you'll want waxed linen - Somac 18/5 or 18/6, or try Barbour 18/5 18/6.
  14. Does anyone have or know of a pattern for one of these? I've been working on a few prototypes but the design is a work in progress; just wondering if anyone else has attempted this or has any insights! It is proving difficult to balance ease of use with stability/rigidity - so far I haven't found a great option. Looking for some more precise measurements for design.
  15. Does anyone have or know of a pattern for one of these? I've been working on a few prototypes but the design is a work in progress; just wondering if anyone else has attempted for has any ideas! It is proving difficult to balance ease of use with stability/rigidity - so far I haven't found a great option. Looking for some more precise measurements for design.
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