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Everything posted by walletman

  1. hi all were can i get some western floral pattens for a wallet project for my son it has to be simple any ideas many thanx in advance bob (walletman)
  2. hi to you all hope you like my new wallet it was inspired by a piece i think it wos spider plz let me know wot you all think plz bob
  3. hi i like the skull pic slot waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cooooooooool dude
  4. hi craftsman its hand sawn the zipper is out of a old cushon and the snap is an old one it had a plastic coating on it i cut it off and polished it with braso metal polish and buffed it up
  5. hi to you all this is a wallet i made it was 2 days in the making i tuc it to work to day to get some peoples veiws on it and it looks like i am going to have to make 2 more wot do you think to it all coments well come hope you all like it walletman (bob)
  6. hi thanx in advanice wot is best tread for hand sawing i am useing some polyester stuff at minite but it brakes tangels knots up and is generally rubbish thanx again bob
  7. hi smudley thanx for advice i will try and let you know bob(walletman)
  8. hi tom thanx yes i had seen the seam i did it from the flesh side not the top i will try you way and see how i go thanx bob
  9. hi my first carving it,s a wallet with dragon,s head and my first glass,s case or dart,s wallet hope you like i would like you views would like some feed back plz bob
  10. hi i have just had a roll of embossed leather given to me and it is sticking to the underside and bits of the flesh side are stuck to the top how do fix the problem will it rub/wipe/polish off thanx bob
  11. walletman

    stamp problem

    hi can any one help one of my stamps makes marks on leather some of the silver come off the tip can it be fixed are do i have to get a new one i have polished it but it still dos it plz help
  12. thanx tom just wot i was looking for :fire: many thanx to you walletman BOB ttfn
  13. hi sorry i dont know which type i only know the one you do round and round git of a wet lettice i know thanx bob
  14. HI can any one help how do you braid the edge of a wallet when you lace it up thanx in advance bob
  15. thanx spider heading up stairs been up to day at 5o,clock and tommorrow made it makes it a long day once agin thanx ttfn walletman
  16. sorry wrong web site www.leathersmith.comhi spider thanx for your help i will give him a ring in the morning ttfn walletman
  17. hi can any one tell me how to get the old look effect on leather like on ye old leather shoppe.com can i use strong tea/coffe dabbed on and can i use food colouring to dye and colour leather thanks in advance walletman
  18. walletman

    Pebbler Tool

    hi try tandy usa fort worth hope it helpshi try tandy usa fort worth hope it helps
  19. hi dave try claytons of chesrtfield found them to day after mouths of trying just google claytons of chesterfield hope it helps new to this my self just got over £400 worth of tools on ebay but on leather but as i say just found claytons will be paying them a visit tomorrow will let you all know how i go on hope it helps ttfn walletman BOB
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