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Everything posted by savvydreambuilder

  1. Another option would be to find a logo that you like and is suitable to be a concho and have it laser cut out of stainless or brass and then braise on chicago screw, or if for a saddle then braise on a saddle screw. If it is too flat, then the laser cut is easily pressed into a dome shape with a fairly simple die. Nicole
  2. Hi, I do a quite a bit of saddle restoration and have found that the best thing to cleant the older leather is a gentle bath in a solution of laundry detergent. I know that sounds freaky, but what it does is disolve all the oils and soaps and leaves you with just the clean naked leather. Before - a Skirt from a 1970 Col Hood Roper This picture shows the dirt oils and soaps of 40 years emulsifying and rising to the surface of the leather. Just beginning to scrub off the muck Beginning to see the results Of course afterwards it is vital that you replace those fats, so I like to use the saddle soap, and a coat of neatsfoot. Back ready for the saddle again Like someone before me said, wash rinse and condition. I like to use a soft natural bristle brush - like used for polishing shoes, that way you have no risk to damaging the tooling. Make sure you rinse thoroughly or you will leave salts from the detergent behind. Nicole
  3. Hi, the way I get those angled stitches is instead of drawing my thread doownwards, I draw my thread to the left and hold it there while I pass the other needle through. This sets up a stitch that follows the angled line of the pricking Fork. I aways stitch starting from the back, then as I said, pull the thread to the left, then stitch down through the front and pull both threads to tighten, then obviously start the process again. You have to be consistent when pulling the thread to the side as swapping sides will make your stitching look uneven. Also I've found it helpful to burnish or even file away the edges of the tangs on the pricking fork, you get a tool that releases from the leather a bit more easily and you also get a more refined hole for your awl to pass through. Hope this helps, SDB
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