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Everything posted by hyttogpine

  1. @ Constabulary I think your suggestions of 16X2 , leading me on the right track. But I'm not smart enough to crack the "needle- code" FahnenJunker @ shoepatcher To email these companies is a good idea . . . . Thanks. @ Gregg I'm uncertain to what you mean. You tell, in my needles book is not listed up any needle, covring up for needle system 563. Or are you telling me, that in your needles bok not are listet any sawing machine by category Adler 48- http://www.duerkopp-adler.com/export/sites/duerkoppadler/commons/download/public/48/48_EN.pdf Page 9
  2. I've been ready with my Adler 48-10 almost one months, meanwhile I have downloaded all I was able to find of needle size and needles systems, and asking different companies of have to find needles, covering Adler own (old named) system 653. But so far I have not success (nearly). Do anybody know another name for Adlers 563 system. I have contacted maybe the leading company in Norway, suppling thread and needles, and the came up with one needle size for my Adler 48 : #120 So at the moment I'm pretty sad, if the reality is only one needle for the machine waiting to bee put to work. Maybe I have to high expectations but difficult to understand that it should be the final. Is it likely that a needle system, that once have nine different sizes of needle. To day, only are available in one size? Can someone convert this old needle size to European or American size ?
  3. Oxomoxo You can be sure this link is welcome. I myself is struggling to find or made some screw myself. Thank you very much.
  4. I didn't find the screw for montage. Is it a part you have in dubblett ? Or do you know any identification. Perhaps in UNC or UNF and pitch of the screw ? I begin to get a feeling of Singer, Phaff and Adler quite often use the same screws.
  5. jimi & Constabulary. About the swing guide: Now the penny drops. I went to the sewing machine and find the hole for screwing. A brilliant idea and solution. And as you mention, there was a second sewing guide : swing guide or binder attachments. Is two different names on the same object ?
  6. Thanks . . . . . you are both my man. Jimi, pictures from you would explain so much clearer, than my English dictionary (most of the technical word you fellows use to explained something about sawing/machines). Are listet in several dictionaries, but the translation point to complete "other departments". You don't need to force ohter daily business. I am still trying making more space, for restoring the 45K25, in old shelter. And eager to carry the baby upstairs and start. I went in to problems to the Adler 48-10. It saw 20 - 40 stitch > the upper thread vent broken > more adjusting. The take up-level spring was broken and I think I've success bend and form it right. Before I realise I have the same problem as Evo160K, my thread was to old and weak, and now exchanged.
  7. Thanks Constabulaty I have ealier send money til Europan country and then through my bank use SWIFT & IBAN code. But to be safe I better send him a eMail. If I require this item (binder attachments ?) I don`t now - buy imagine this will be good in making straight stitch-line, near to an egde. Any idea the purpose for the item in the middle ? In the drawer of the 45K25, I found something looking like a binder attachment. But I can`t with my best imagination figure out, fore what purpose it is meant. apendix
  8. Dear Constabulary This was thoughtful of you. It is interesting. If it's possible, my german is more poor than my English. Two questions about the advertising. To your experience, is this a fair price, is it a low price. "Jetzt oder nie" does it mean, the only way of payment is the NORISBANK or no bank att all. The advertising say something about "Barzahlung bei Abholung" I guess it means cash when I picking it up. And "Überweisung" means he accepted money transferring. I only have VISA via my bank. Is VISA normally accepted in Germany by eBay people ? You mention to "contact the seller before". When you consider to purchase such or similar items, from seller on eBay. What would be relevant to ask before buying ? If German was my mother tongue, of course his way of speech in reply will sometimes indicate something of the man. But using Google translater tells me nothing.
  9. @gmace99 This .pdf a of big importance for any newcomer whit ambition. Thanks to your interest.
  10. That all my sewing machines, all so have the possibility in practice to use a treadle, have high priority. Since the 45K25 are mounted on a original (?) wooden desk, my idea is later to find some cast iron treadle base. To me it doesn't matter whenever it's a old base from Singer, Pfaff or Adler. As long it have two flywheel/driving wheel (?). I haven't started on the 45K25 yet. Instead, I have used time to the Adler 48-10 which now looks okay. The needle bar was very bent. Now it's nearly straight. But I have to find a replacement later. Some of the chromium plating parts was so rusty, that the chromium flake away when I use a rotating wire brush. Would like to know how much effort, the rest of you put into such issue. Is it reasonable to send away such parts to "new chromium plating" ? Even it was my intention to take photos, making the Adler, I was so busy to began, that my photo-session fall apart. But when I'll begin cleaning up the Singer 45K10 I hopeful will do better. @jimi Ater seeing your go-ahead spirit and ability restoring the Pfaff http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=55790 it's set a standard that at least I can't follow up. But I intend that the Singer 45K25 one day will be sewing and have some treadle stand.
  11. Thank for both answer. Grease and compressed air. Then I will do kreosiene and as long brush I can find. Think I have one at 1foot available.
  12. The link and the video above is quite all right. I still can't play it on my tablet, but instead I download your .MOV video to the tablet, transfer it to a computer and watch the video easily in VLC player and by a little pushing in Windows Media player to. And it was the area I have a modest practice about? Why your threads break I have opinions about, I'm a amateur. Actually I'm a bit impressed of you. Well done and good luck.
  13. Thank you Brosowisk Without experience to what a really duty machine is, I'll ges my patcher 29K4 and Adler 48-10 don't need shower. Oil will probably do fine. But the last ones - 45K25 - after a long career in the workshop, it was brought back into the basement, when the owner retired, and used from request from neighbours og friends. Meanwhile the same room where in use for woodcraft. I hardly can see any parts, looking inside. But do you use some kind of grease fore the ball-bearings ? I was mention "flower-spray-bottle" , because I only reach the half of the inside machinery, with a toothbrush. And because of all sawdust mixed with old oil, my thoughts went in direction of support of a compressor air. Will it be to radical cleaning ?
  14. Evo160K This time the link works. I came to your video. So you make it right (when we talk about Dropbox). Before I click on the video, I see a picture of the bobbin & shuttle. But on the "time counter" ? it tells 0.0 /0.1 (minute/sek.). When I click on the video, it starts to "buffer" and continues by buffering. You are now close to the finish line. The problems can be two things (actually three). Instead of uploading a video clip, you in a rush have upload a single photo. Or it could an issue of the video format ? It seems like your video format is .MOV An Appel-format. I don't know these days, but earlier everything of Apple (but here and now: pictures & video) was hard to deal with. Unless you was a member of the club. If you're sure it's a video you uploaded. Try alternative to upload the orginale, before you did the compression. Or try to convert your (original) video to another format, for instance mp4, AVI, 3GP, WMV or swf. But before you do anything, make yourself a cup of warm chocolate, watch the birds outside your windows. And wait fore feedback from someone other - without Apple equipment. The third options : it could be my tablet. But then it would be first time it refuse to play a video. EVO, don't despair. You have went into and learn new stuff, beside the leather world.
  15. Evo160K The video you want to share. You have to put into the folder named "public". It's quite long time since I spend time on Dropbox. But If this folder not already exists, you made a folder named public. Earlier you would be able to share, to others, from any folders you made on Dropbox. But because of better security on the site Dropbox. Sharing files now, is only possible (?) from the your "public" folder. I apologise my English, that is not as good as others.
  16. Yes, all of you were right: there's no reverse on 45K25 (I was mislead by the brochure, made by Singre Company. Yes, a naive user). But now I've purchased the item. My knowledge about sawing machines are near to zero. Therfore the topic title and in the hope of assistant from you. Now I would like to begin with a "spring cleaning" of the machine (and my two other old sewing machines to). Is the idea of using a flower-spray-bottle, filled up with kerosene ? Clean petrol/gasolin from the chemists ? Or a third alternative ? And spray in all openings and behind removable covers > air compressor > dry a day or two > oil. Will it be to aggressive to attack in this way ? Do I use grease fore lubrication to the ball-bearing and business or will the regular oiling do ? Inspired of several gifted menmers here, it is my intention is to make pictures for documentation, as the process go forward. In a quick check, things seems to be fine, the only thing I'm uneasy about is wear and tear in the shuttle-house. When I get access to a computer I upload a video clip, and like to hear your opinion. Unfortunately there was no treadle to the ordinary Singer base. It was sold to an other buyer before me.
  17. The answer is no. Dropbox is a storehouse. Not a factory who adapt or convert anything. You get the master key for this part of the storehouse you administer. Thats it. If you want have two or three huge wooden boxes to keep your goods in, or 73 cardboard boxes. You have the right to lend out a secondary key, to any perso you like, for any particular boxes you like them to look into. Before you get lost. The different boxes are a counterparts to folders. Why would you compress the 3MB video file to 1.46MB ? Let the world se you artistic skills as a filmmaker, in a better quality than 1.46MB. Ok, I guess your problems. Probably they are the same character as min. I guess both of us need a URL adress where the the video (picture?) are stored ? Hopefully, there's someone clever than me, dropping by. Explain if this site have enough space to store it self. An advantage by Dropbox. You have a lovely melody would like to send to your grandmother, here and now. But unfortunately most delivers of email refuse to send emails bigger than ? MB. You will get your email in return and your grandmother i Australia will weep. Therefore upload your melody to Dropbox, then send the URL adress to Australia . . . . vola, grandmother now be rocking to your melodi. She can even download it. By the way, if you, now or later need to convert or scale up/down there is good small software program called Format Factory, and it's for free. It's pretty nice to anything about pictures, sounds, Videos, joining/splitting, ripping disk etc. Du er lokaliset i Indiana, men skriver på norsk ? Så god er ikke Google oversetter ! Forklar, forklar, but send it as PM.
  18. Hallo Evo166KDropbox is very good to many things, among a solution to your aktuell problems. Open a Dropbox account - you gets 2 or 5 GB for free - upload easily from any computer, phone or tablets anything, no matter how many MB the (video) file is > place in the "public" folder > copy the URLadress > live it in any post you like or at any site you want > since the URL is a an embedded adress, everybody can opened in any Webbrowser. And if you suddenly find yourself in Kolombo or North Pole with only your mobilphone and need some important document you just download it too your device. If you open a account, be aware you can let Dropbox scan your device for all kinds of pictures, text files, video files and it will automatically reach the sky. Or you kan select manual witch files and folder you want on Dropbox server. Edith: If you upload a video file to Dropbox and poste rhe URL anywhere, those who are interested to watch the video, don't need to download the video, it's can be streamed directly.
  19. Hallo jimi Now I'm began being scared of make someone wrong. First of all, I'm not even a amateur. And my English is poor. But referring to the document you uploaded/linked yourself, 19th.nov.2014. Is tells at page 8, "Reversing direction of feed and altering length of stitch". I have believe that 45K25 have the ability to work in reverse. P.S. I'm reading and writing from a tablet and I'm not able to upload a picture of my coming sawing machin. (After several try in both mode: Flash 9 and basic uploader) Equipped with the handle for stitch and hopefully reverse. Is it not possible to attach a picture from my photo album on my tablet ? or do I first have to upload my picture to a web-server and then referrer to this URL adress ? Please correct me, but first take a look ad the manual quote name="jimi" post="384979" timestamp="1416356514"] 45Kmanual.pdf Jimi, I have many nights, gets thrilled by yours photos of shiny and well caretaking parts from yours machines. This is things I will like to know about. Cleaning and polish procedures. And there will be dozen of issues you can guide me. I thanks you for helping attitude.
  20. Europeanleather Don't know if you still are interested in this machine/. And I don't know if Darren Brosowski is a big shot in here, but when he declare the lack of reverse on 45K25. It seems that he is on collision course to Singers own manual . I my self have found a 45K25 for a couple a weeks ago, but have big problems keeping the contact with the seller (it's not a eBay item !). But today we make a date for me to come and see and try first. The machine has orginal table on orginal stand with mounted clutch motor. From pictures (in background in a corner). it seems there's a treadle base too. Looking forwards too se the equipment. And of course to bee agree off the price. But I am going for this machine because off is reverse, Europeanleather.
  21. Hallo Europanleather I myself have eyes on a Singer 45K25. Because of it has reverse. I'm the newcomer, so I have to watch me steeps. But one of Harry Rogrs his videos, if I remember right, he was a litle bit sorry for the lack of reverse, on his babytank 133K. Same as Constanbulary No matter how much you earn, show sobriety when paying. It's effect the next who wish a sewing machine. By me, there is a seller (criminal but legal price demand) on 1.125 euro, at an 45K25.Ok, it seems that he wash it first.
  22. Thanks for prompt answer. To be frankly, I don't know anything about this item. The same do neither the seller . Except that it's not a eBay item. He was the one of the children who ended up with this - the advert said: shoe machine - after their grandfather. And he have seen this machine in use at the grandfather's shop. I have send message to the seller, inkludert picture, asking him looking "in the drawer" of equipment as rooler foods, pressure foods, bobbin house etc. I'm looking forward to the results of his investigation. But since I not have the skills similar to JIMI
  23. After energetic search on the Internet and mostly here, to understand how to make a old 29-4 sawing. And I think I have make it. At last the machine is now sawing. But I need practices and be familiar to the influence to the different adjustment. I now have the opportunity to purchase a Singer 45K25. If I make up my mind to next weekend, I vill get the advantage a free transport. I would like yours help to klassifisering this Singer 45K25 - equipped with el.motor and foot lifter, activated by the knee, against the 29-4. If the Singer 29-4 would be classified in the range of light leather sewing machines. Will the ability to a Singer 45K25 machine be in the range of light to medium or in the group of medium sewing machines ? Searching on Internett I have nearly no hits on Singer 45K25. But the knowledge on this forum is stunning. So I hope I can make my op and ready to next weekend.
  24. I'm once again fascinating by all your skills and knowledge. Amazing. The ability to a Singer 45K25 machine, compare to a Singer 29-4. If we say a 29-4 is meant to light leather swing. Will a 45K25 be for light to medium or maybe medium leather sawing ?
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