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Everything posted by macmandr197

  1. I've found this seller on Ebay, they seem reliable and the colours are accurate. http://www.ebay.ca/itm/PROMO-1-0mm-RITZA-25-Tiger-Waxed-Thread-for-Leather-Hand-Sewing-17-Colors-25m-/231279447607?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item35d9544e37
  2. I'm actually new into leatherworking. I'm gonna build a couple wallets and then I'm starting to collect materials (hence the post about fasteners) for my leather messenger bag that I want to build. So I actually haven't visited them yet! But I wasn't even thinking of buying leather from them.. I was thinking of purchasing from springfield leather? Just because I don't want to buy a whole side, just what I need for my bag. and since tandy sells by the side... any suggestions?
  3. Thanks for the help guys! I'm over in Ontario so unfortunately I won't be heading out to Vancouver But I'll definitely check some of those shops out!
  4. Does anyone know of a site that has all manner of hard-ware? D-rings, buttons, snaps, zippers, hoops, etc, etc, etc! I'd like to avoid ebay because the results are sporadic..
  5. Thanks again Gary! I think I was going to try using this leather (http://springfieldleather.com/42086/Side%2COilTan%2CRanchHand%2C4-5oz/) I'm assuming it would be good for that pattern? and as for stitching, I was thinking 5mm in from the edge? if you have an other wisdom to impart on me, I would be happy to lend an ear!
  6. Thanks for the help guys! I was actually planning on ordering a few extra bits of leather as I was going to make a matching wallet before I attempt the bag. Just so I can get the stitching, and layout down. Oh, and gary I wasn't planning on lining the bag, but we'll see what happens. I was going to use the pattern as a rough guideline. I'm used to reading blue prints (from drafting and design, as well as reading woodworking and manufacturing plans) but I'm thinking patterns like this will be a different story!
  7. Hey guys! So I'm going to be starting my first leatherworking project soon and I was wondering, how do I calculate the square footage of leather that I need? I'm going to be using these plans (https://wkdesigner.wordpress.com/2009/08/17/push-the-envelope/) If you guys could either figure out the square footage, or at least give me a formula? Thanks in advance!
  8. Thanks kid! I'll definitely check him out!
  9. Hey guys! So I'm fresh off the boat here... Like I have zero leather working experience other than doing up my belt in the morning. What attracted me to the hobby/trade was surprisingly enough.. YouTube! I know it's not as easy as it looks, but I think I'll really enjoy leather working once I get started. The first thing I wanted to make is a messenger bag with a gusset.. I want the bag to be able to hold a 15.6" laptop plus a binder on the other side of the divider (pretty average messenger bag?..) and I have loads of questions... I guess I'll just list them off? 1. So, as I have no leather working tools, what should I get as the bare essentials to get me to started off making the bag? (I can get the cutting mat and exact-o blades for cutting, I'm just talking about punches and needles and all the bare essentials). 2. What kind of leather should I use? I want the bag to be able to withstand normal wear and tear but feel nice and soft (not like a holster-type leather that's really thick, but something that just feels nice in the hand if that makes sense...) 3. Based on what I've mentioned, does anyone know where I could find (preferably free) patterns for something like this? 4. Is a project like this too complex for someone who is just coming into the hobby? Thanks in advance guys! and Sorry, I know millions of posts like this one have circulated I just figured I'd ask.
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