Greetings everybody,
I have lurked on this forom for quite a while now trying to find information regarding this question that I have. I apologize in advance if it is somewhere on this forum and I was unable to find it.
I am curious on several things actually. First, how do people prepare the leather for tooling even before casing? Do you put any conditioner on it like saddle soap to keep it pliable and in good condition? Do you clean the surface with anything? soap? rubbing alcohol? To remove any surface contaminants? Any other kinds of preparation before casing? Praying over it? Rubbing a rabbit's foot on it? Now I'm just being silly but, really,... I would like to hear anything that people do that seems to help protect the leather and improve the tool-ability of it.
Second, What do you do after the finish is on? How do you suggest customers care for their tooled leather product? saddle soap? leather conditioner? A clean cloth? I am sure it depends on the finish but information about caring for the different finishes would be very helpful to me as well.
Links to other forum posts I may have missed are totally fair. This forum is huge and I cannot read everything in it.
Thank you very much for you time, folks.
Lena Erickson