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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    Belts, bags, and wallets

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  1. So, I have done a few projects such as belts, wallets, dopp kits, and a duffle bag. I have settled on mine next major project and could use some guidance moving on to a more complex project (as I see it). I want to build a pilot bag like the one seen on Buffalo Jackson. https://buffalojackson.com/large-leather-briefcase-everett-pilot-bag-camel.html I believe that I can get the basic shape, the pockets, the handles, and the strap right. What I am not sure about how to complete is the inner pockets for the laptop and tablet, the pocket that is accessible from the outside (making a hidden pocket), adding loops for pens, and the lining without showing all of the edging. I also still debating the welting. I made a dopp kit that the interior looks terrible because I didn't do a very good job on the inner seams and I don't want to repeat this mistake. Any advice is appreciated as I would like to work out a solid plan before I start building this bag. It must be able to fit in the overhead of an airplane as I will be flying frequently. I am also uncertain as to what thickness of leather would be best...2/3, 4/5? I am still debating hand sewing this or using that most aggravating sewing machine I got from Tippman....leaning more towards hand sewing to reduce blood pressure and cussing. I am not so good at pattern making but will try to put together something decent to post to the group as I work through this project. Looking for a little group think on this project to make it as good as I can and any help is greatly appreciated.
  2. Thank you for the replies. It seemed kind of silly to ask it but i just envisioned this peeling apart after being carried around in my pocket!
  3. So, I found a nice piece of llama leather and thought of using it as a lining for wallet. The only problem with that is using on the inside doesn't let you see the leather as well. Can I glue it on the outside of a piece of a wallet without any problems? I would hate to glue this on and then have it come off after a week. Has anyone done this? What about when I stitch it all together? Any advice would be appreciated!
  4. Thank you all for the replies. I have also come to the conclusion that one of the biggest problems is the cheap leather that I am using. I did manage to get the piece I was working on to soften up but it took a lot more olive oil than I expected. I have ordered better leather to work with, neatsfoot oil, and the professional oil dye (which should help on several levels). In the end (after several hours of difficult sewing), the piece was unusable due to improper measuring and cutting. The lesson I have taken from all of this is that the hobby store leather is teaching me where I am going wrong early on without breaking the bank on the good stuff! When that comes in, I am going to use all of the advice given because I have not been doing any of the things suggested up to this point.
  5. My name Chris and I am a compulsive hobbyist. I play guitar, mandolin, ukulele, harmonica, and bang a banjo when feeling brave. I also make beer and other alcoholic beverages on a regular basis. I shave with an old fashioned safety razor (double edge) and a straight razor and lather with a badger hair brush. To add my list of manly hobbies, I decided to start leather working to appeal to my need to create. The itch happens when I look at something and say "I can do that!" I have bought a few tools to get started and have run into many learning curve problems that I can't seem to find the answers to after trolling the forums and YouTube videos. I have noticed after dyeing my cheap little thin pieces of vegtan from the local big hobby store that the material is now stiff as a board and curling on the edges...that doesn't help make a nice wallet. What are the proper steps to dyeing a piece of leather that doesn't make it feel like a piece of jerky when it is all said and done? I have been rubbing olive oil on these pieces like crazy to no effect.....but I have soft hands now. Also, I am not sure but it seems to me that I have been losing some size after dyeing (I read about the removal of moisture after dyeing) and can understand that. Should I be accounting for a certain amount of shrinkage? Like a 1/4 of an inch or something? I would like to make some patterns to repeat my work and I am not sure if this something that people take into account for dyeing (and stitching). Having fun but getting frustrated with what I don't know....if there is something that I should be reading to answer these questions, please let me know. I have been digging but not finding the right information. Thanks for any help!
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