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Everything posted by TheGrinningDwarf

  1. Its actually simple and nice and not overdone, i really like it! Never be ashamed of your skills every master started as a novice at some point we all start somewhere and learn by doing ! keep up the good work
  2. I know well of Amtgard we have a chapter up here too right next door to the town i live in in NH, best advice i can give when it comes to making armor is it takes time patience and trial and error, dont get discouraged if your first one isnt a master piece, takes alot of playing around to find what fits well and comfortably !
  3. Gotta agree with Rohn, thats a beautiful collar my friend !
  4. It looks Great !, honestly cant even notice a scuff that you mentioned its often said we are our own biggest critics keep up the good work !
  5. Yes Tyverus, i do LARP i have for almost 15 years now its actually why i got into leather working were abouts are you from ? and thank you Toney!
  6. Thank you very much everyone means a lot to me ! Yes ,through a lot of trial and error and fitting i designed it i used manila folders to trace the design out with , they are cheap enough and large enough to make most pattern pieces with and they hold up well. Designing it out is probably one of my favorite aspects of the whole thing haha!
  7. Self taught leather worker have been doing this for a few years now Medieval arms and Armor are my poison, i love them , i wanted to show some pictures of some stuff i made to gather pointers or perhaps constructive criticism or compliments! Sorry if the pictures are less then desirable been working on taking better pictures Side View of Arm Piece Front View Close up Me in the Full Get up Pouch i started working on today Green Man inspired
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