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Posts posted by BJP

  1. Hey there!   I have had NO luck with Tandy burgundy latigo!   It bleeds like a stuck pig.. Doesn't ever stop!   The black is not bad at all.  It has rub off but then it seems done.   

    I want to know where the best place to order latigo online would be and also not break my piggy bank! Lol

    Oh ya I'm in Canada so there's the good ol s/h charges as well..   I'm open to suggestions!


  2. I have made a few burgundy latigo dog collars, and some  black latigo collars.   It never fails but the burgundy latigo bleeds like crazy when rubbed down, or in rain or whatever situation!  I swear if I frowned at the burg latigo it will bleed.  

    The black on the other hand has a certain amount of rub off on my cloth but then it seems done.  No more color rub off    

    These hides are both from Tandy leather because I'm in Canada ..and am hesitant to order online from a tannery etc ... In case I don't get what I order.    Am nervous that what you see in the pic online isn't true to life.       Probably should brave it and order??? 

    What can be done about the burgundy bleeding.    Anything?    I won't use it for customers cuz I'd hate for my collar to stain the dog coat.

    I stick  mostly to veg tan but love the softness and feel of latigo!!

    Any suggestions wud wud be greatly appreciated!!  

    Thx  BJP






  3. Get an awl to poke the holes with then push prongs thru and bend them flat with a flat screwdriver.  

    After I set mine in my dog collars I carefully and gently use a small hammer and tap the prongs flat ( flatten them) so they are secure.    

    *Flip the leather upside down on a big piece of firm rubber or a poundo board so you don't crack your crystals after you've set them so you can tap prongs flat.    

  4. My husband makes men's cuffs and I make dog collars, and we both use Resolene   

    My hubby uses 1 coat of Resolene cut 50/50  OR  60/40 with water for the inside of his bracelet/cuffs..      Stir it, and then wait till all those pesky bubbles have disappeared.    Then LIGHTLY  wipe ONE coat on the inside.   Let it dry overnite  

    The outside he puts 2 LIGHTLY SWIPED coats.      Makes sure you wait hours.. Even overnite to put coat number 2 on.   

    Hes never had an issue with his cuffs.     

    I do the same thing with my collars that are dyed and painted.   2 very light coats let em dry overnite in between the coats  

    *and nothing will "waterproof" the leather but will make it resistant to rain etc just not the shower or swimming!;)

  5. I use the same press ... And yes... Gently and slowly.    If you whack the spots thru those prongs will splay.      

    That looks like kinda thick leather too so maybe just set them by hand?    By marking, then poking them thru then bending prongs with a small screwdriver or even your finger.  

    I finish my work off by tapping with a small jewellers hammer on all prongs just to get em flat.  And set good.   Set your finished piece on rubber so as not to damage the domes  or crystals etc  

    Ive done what's in your picture many times and found it frustrating also

    good luck..

    * also helps to make sure all the prongs are straight down on the spot.   I just squeeze them really really gently to make sure the legs don't splay out before their put in the dies. 

  6. I get my spots, rivets, buckles, d, o rings and rectangle keepers from The Buckle Guy. It's online.  Google it to see his stuff.

    Solid 100% brass hardware or stainless that is stamped on the underside of his buckles.  

    Never ever had an issue with the brass, nickel or stainless on my dogs collars or any I've sold to ppl   They eventually scratch from general wear but takes a lot of wear n tear.     I choose solid brass myself. 


  7. Thanks for the info!    Yes I brush on the top coat and really don't like using Resolene.    Cut 50/50 w water or even 60/40.     It can be hit n miss.  

    Shud try something else.  Saddle lac does it need to be cut first?   Do you spray your top coats or brush.    Thx

  8. I haven't seen angelus in Canada but have heard of it.     Yes so true no such thing as waterproof!  

    What do you suggest to your customers when they purchase a hand painted collar.. Just wondering.   There's so much beautiful hard work in the tooling and the hand painting.     I guess it's truly up to them if they want to chance it getting ruined by rain, snow etc. 

  9. Practice.. and use the strap cutter slow and steady.     Do it too fast and you are no doubt going to have crooked lines here n there.   

    I get it over with at the beginning and cut my whole hide into 3 different widths for my leashes and collars.  Then I hang them in order of width to relax them.  

    I find that running the strap cutter steadily without stopping too much gives me better lines and straighter straps   


  10. So far the leather collars I have done are just fine.  No chipping flaking etc and the coverage obviously great due to the pigment.  To finish them I use 3 very thin coats of Acrylic Resolene to finish the leather pieces off for water resistance    

    The Golden Acrylic heavy body paints I use are 100% Acrylic Polymer dispersion .  

    I'm not sure if that is an answer to your question... All I know is that I have been happy so far with the heavy body acrylic,  and I've tried some other brands and meh.  Not happy.   


  11. I found Cova Color To be a waste of money.   I was super disappointed in the coverage it gives..   So I switched to Golden Acrylics paints in the tube only.     They're high end and work beautifully.     I'm in Canada so there is not as much total leather paint available here.    I'd like to try Angelus leather paint but don't know where to find it here.  

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