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About trastu

  • Birthday 06/24/1978

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    ciudadano del mundo

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  1. Ciudadano del mundo y la persona internacional de misterio?

  2. thank you very much, the site is very interesting. health
  3. thank everyone for the support. I have already finished the sheath knife http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=5601 I accept all kinds of critic. a greeting
  4. thank you very much for the comment. I algro that is useful to you the pattern. a greeting
  5. thanks for the comment Arts. I leave here by the pattern if someone wants to use. a greeting.
  6. a very nice job, I love the design. a greeting
  7. thank you very much for the comment calanneh. a greeting
  8. new sheath for my Skinner vaquetilla done in the outside and the colt leather lining inside and sewing braided. What do you think?. I admit to all kinds of criticism. a greeting
  9. thank you very much for the pattern. a greeting
  10. thank you very much for the two. I will be very useful information. greetings from asturias
  11. I wanted to make a nice sheath knife for this, what kind of pods he would? Does anyone have any pattern you can share? a greeting
  12. your job very nice, thank you for the pattern. a greeting
  13. very good Lace Splitter. is homemade?. a greeting
  14. very good tool made in your home. I saw several tools made by you, and I like, I like to do something. could explain a bit like doing?. a greeting
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