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  1. I think you made the right decision. I have never sent anything back to the manufacture and expected them to replace the item with a different model. And I don't think there are many manufactures that would unless the item is no longer made. I hope he is happy and no longer causes you stress
  2. Thanks man I'll check it out
  3. Is there a link to this stitching tutorial?
  4. Thanks again for the help guys. I posted some pictures of my finished holster on new thread. Here is a link http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=46362
  5. Thought I would share my latest holster. This is the 4th holster I have made. I have made 3 pancake holsters besides this one. Never really planned on making and selling holsters but It seams like every one I make sends another person my way. I guess I will keep making them. This one made me scratch my head for a bit. I wasn't sure when and how the reinforcement piece went on. A little help here got me on my way. I guess while I am at it I will also share my last pancake holster I made.
  6. That was perfect. I figured it had to be something like that. Thanks for the link.
  7. I am building my first IWB CCW and have a question on how to tackle different parts of the build. I am attaching a picture I pulled off of google as a reference. I was wondering how things go together where the reinforcement leather wraps around the top part of the holster. I know it is a separate piece of leather but how is the leather underneath put together and when do you sew the reinforcement leather onto the holster? I am sure if I could see some pictures of the holster from a few different angles I could kind of figure it out with a little explanation. I dont know if that made any sense but mostly I was wondering what your pattern for a holster like this looks like? And.... How is everything put together underneath and around that reinforcement piece. Any tips and pictures that would shed some light would be appreciated. Thanks Scott
  8. Thanks for the replies and info. I was pretty excited when I found out the details of the saddle even though it is not in the best condition. Oltoot, I was just wondering what exactly you meant by not worth much. Is not much fifty bucks or a couple hundred? The reason I ask is my wife told someone about it and he asked how much we wanted for it. I don't even know if I want to sell it but I dont think I would get rid of it for less than at least $500.00. I don't know if it is worth that much but I like it enough that I am not in a big hurry to get rid of it.
  9. At the last place my wife and I rented we found an old saddle in the rafters of the garage. We talked to the landlady and she said he was way behind on rent left in the middle of the night and left a few things behind. (he was a farrier by trade). She told us to keep the saddle. As soon as I got looking at it I could tell it was probably late 1800's. I didnt have time to do much with it so I just stuck it in storage. I pulled it out yesterday and decided to clean it up a little. After getting it cleaned up I noticed some markings. They were a bugger to make out. Most of the impressions from the letters were no longer visible but I noticed if I looked at the right angle to the light I could make out the letters (they appeared denser than the surrounding leather). From what I could see and just guessing on the rest I got J. _ HA_DING _EADWOOD DT NO 31 So I filled in the blanks assuming it was J. _ HARDING DEADWOOD DT NO 31 I figgures Deadwood had to be referring to Deadwood South Dakota but I Googled Deadwood DT just to see what came up. Deadwood Dakota Territories. So that made sense. Then I looked up J. Harding and after some searching I came up the the following info (Found a name by John A Harding) I am going to include some pictures so you can check it out. I am just a little curious what you think a saddle like this would be worth. From the info I found and the saddle being No 31 I am guessing it was made sometime around the mid 1880's.
  10. so were can a guy (or gal) find pricking chisels?
  11. I had someone offer me their thompson mini walker to sew some leather with. I have never seen one but with the word mini in the title I told her I was a bit skeptical that it would have what it takes to sew leather. But I thought I would ask anyway. The most I would be trying to sew with this would be 8/9 oz tooling leather to a piece of 5 oz chap leather. If it could do that it would be awesome. If it cant do that would it handle sewing a couple pieces of chap leather together? Thanks for the Help Scott
  12. How much do the mauls sell for, I would be interested?
  13. I am sure that this subject has been talked about and my questions answered but. I have looked through the forum and I have used the search and have not found what I was looking for. I was hoping to get a list of some good places to order chap leather from. And what is a fair price for chap leather? I know there are some variables to that. I guess I was just hoping to find out what you guys (and gals) expect to pay. Thank for the help, Scott Hansen
  14. I really like this saddle. What steps were taken to get those colors with the leather. (just oil and antiquing?)
  15. Thanks for the tips. I didnt even think about cement or oil. I have oil and cement but not near enough for this project I am sure. Thank again Scott I have been watching this forum for over a year and just that alone I have learned plenty. And welcome to the site. If you are anything like me you will loose yourself in the different forums. Plenty to learn
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