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About Phil1

  • Birthday 01/27/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Melbourne, Australia

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Basic Items: Belts, and Simple Accessories
  • Interested in learning about
    Various Things
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  1. Thanks, will try those :-)
  2. I was sent pictures of something that someone wants me to try and make for them....a wrist strap, by the looks of it, but I can't seem to find the type of clasp that this one uses.... If at all possible, would anyone know what this style of clasp is called, and would anyone know of a stockist that would deliver to Australia (including Tandy or E-Bay or Etsy or similar)? These are the pictures as they were sent to me (reduced for inclusion here)....sorry they're not clearer
  3. Looks like I saw this Thread just in time.... Cigarettes went to 'Plain Packaging' a few months ago out here in Australia, and I was thinking recently of making some Leather Cigarette Cases, with the Cigarette Logo (or as close as my skills will allow, anyway), and sell them....now, after seeing all these comments, I'm not so sure :-/
  4. Likewise :-) philip_mostyn@yahoo.com.au
  5. I'm looking at making a Bag or Pouch for Bicycle Tools and smaller Accessories....preferably one that can be attached to the Bike Would anyone have a Pattern for something like this?
  6. I merely made a couple of basic Pouches for mine.... Mine is the Kindle 3 - the 'Keyboard' version, and I merely measured the Kindle itself, added a bit to allow for the 'walls',and added a bit more so that it wouldn't be too snug First one (the one with the Coat-Of-Arms) I didn't allow for this properly,and thus is a tad snug, hence my doing a second one, I guess :-) That said,I've also done a third one, merely because there was a design I liked that I wanted to do as a Kindle Pouch :-D Anyway, here's my attempts: http://kohn.livejournal.com/tag/kindle
  7. Hmmmm.... Well, it seemed to work about a month ago when I last Linked to it Oh well Hopefully this one will work then :-) http://kohn.livejournal.com/2007/07/14/
  8. Some four years ago, I made a Leather Version of the Metal Chest Armour that a few women have worn in a few different forms of Star Trek.... Here's the one I made at the time for Reference: http://kohn.livejour...5.html#comments I've since made two more of these and am planning on making another soon This time around, however, I'm thinking of extending the Sides a bit, and maybe even contemplating incorporating a Belt into it (to possibly extent around to the back to be done up there somehow) Any Thoughts/ideas on how best to do this would be appreciated :-) I'll be wanting to start Drafting a new Drawing for it probably this Saturday, so any Ideas I can get by then would be great :-)
  9. Who's the Author/Publisher of that Book? I normally use 'Bush Leatherwork' by Ron Edwards (or more specifically, the 'Leather Lacing' Section of it, which has Instructions for 12 Styles), but what you've done ther looks great and I wouldn't mind getting one of those Books myself :-)
  10. Hi All :-D Just joined this Forum and thought I'd say "Hi" :-)
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