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  1. Yes @Trox it is not a common brand. I really like this manufacturer. This plough, I finally bought, is one of the most beautiful tool I have.
  2. Hi Mishkin, I don't have information about what you ask. But take a look at this post to get some leather tools catalogs :
  3. Dams

    Catalog of tools

    Hello all, Please take a look on the link below, listing many tools catalogs. 3 of them are concerning leather tools (Cs Osborne catalogs). I just sent 3 others french catalogs to the author of this listing to contribute. Just wait the integration. https://archive.org/details/internationaltoolcataloglibrary I hope some of you will be concerned by this collection of catalogs and will also contribute. Enjoy these files Damien
  4. Hi, Beautiful tool. Would love to have one in my collection. Georges Lutz in Paris. Don't know the history of this trade, but seems to be very close to Blanchard. Some illustrations of there catalogs are the same... Here a picture of a catalog of this trade edited in 1905. An other catalogs maybe 1911 but I am not sure
  5. @Alan RUNDELL beautiful tool. I don't know the trade HF. Maybe it can help to know where do you buy it : France, Germany ... ? It is interesting to see the piece that slides on the measure is a "one-piece-solid-brass". I would love to see your Bost Frères catalog. I will wait for your scans ;-)
  6. @Trox About Dumay à Paris. It seems to be a discrete company because the tool below is the only one I saw for sale for years : https://www.leboncoin.fr/collection/1012539715.htm?ca=2_s Sorry but i have nothing else to say about that ;-)
  7. Dams

    Catalog of tools

    Hi TinkerTailor, note some of these documents are exclusives because some friends made the scan/photos and send them to me few days ago. Some others documents was found on the net but with difficulties: find the good key words, trying in french, in english, in german... Happy if it can help. Hope some of you will look on their library and will do beautiful scans of old catalogs. Damien
  8. Hi all, I am a friend of NOX and ifojoss, also french and also love leather tools ;-). I just post on your forum something that can interest you : If some of you have such tools catalogs (french or not), it would be awesome to scan them in order to enrich this page. You can contact me by private message if you want ;-) @walter roth your collection is beautiful. I would love to have some of your tools. Thanks to share that with us. @Trox same as walter, thansks to share by posting photos ;-)
  9. Hi all, I am french and I am a leather lover. I'm also passionated with leather tools, especially Blanchard. I would share with you a page that list many Blanchard catalogs and other companies. I would love to enrich it if some of you have catalogs to share. Access is free, no need to register the website to see these documents. http://travail-du-cuir.fr/les-outils/catalogues-d-outils-du-cuir-t1382.html Damien Ps : excuse my approximative english
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