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    Knoxville, Tennessee

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  1. Hello Jadu, I'd like to purchase those needles from you if you still have them. I'm located in Knoxville, Tennessee and will remit payment however you prefer. Thanks, Rick Walker
  2. Thank you very much! I really appreciate your help.
  3. Okay, never mind. I found that the stitch length adjustment knob had backed out in shipping and wasn't engaging. I screwed it back in and that solved the problem. I am still looking for a user's manual if anyone out there has any ideas I'd be grateful.
  4. Hello all. I recently purchased a use Singer 108W20 sewing machine and the feed dog, needle bar, and foot are not advancing at all when the balance wheel is turned. Anyone out there know what the problem might be or where I can access a repair manual? I've been a long time finding one of these binding machines and I refuse to give up on it.
  5. Thanks for the tip Tom. I've added my location.
  6. Thanks for the suggestion Trash Treasure. I have started reaching out to a few of the Chinese manufacturers. No luck so far, but one never knows.
  7. Thanks for the helpful suggestions folks. I will try anywhere in the world to get this part. I have tried most of the US parts supplier's and the folks in the UK, but not Ralph's. I'll give them a call tomorrow so thanks much for that lead. Also, I'm trying to source a local machinist, gunsmith, or anyone else that may be able to make the part. No luck so far. The looper is tiny as it has to fit into the top of the very narrow post. I was using this machine for the first time on a table set up with a Consew servo motor. Something went wrong with the motor speed control and it ramped up to full speed which the 100+ year old machine just couldn't handle. The needle torqued and rammed down into the looper and, of course, the rest is history. Needless to say, I will never trust another Consew motor.
  8. Hello all. Does anyone here know where in the world I might be able to buy a looper (part #95967) for my Singer 91K5 glove sewing machine. I know that this is probably an impossible quest, but I thought I'd throw it out here anyway. Thanks!
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