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  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    leather working, gun holsters, knife sheaths, gun belts

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    gun holsters, the craft of leather working
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  1. Well after posting a couple of crappy wallets I made it took the advice of a few people and made this little knife sheaths. I still have a long way to go but I can tell a difference with saddle stitching and better leather.
  2. Ok I'll see about getting some better needles and learn to hand stitch. I'll probablygo through SLC because they sell it by the sq ft or etsy has some too
  3. So what type of leather should I be trying to get? Hermann oak? Craftsman? I'd like to make a few knife sheaths as well. The wallet was me just messing around and trying to get creative with what I have.
  4. Bikermutt: I'm going to use that credit card idea and a straight edge that's pretty ingenious.I tried using a tack puller to create my line but it didn't work out so well. JLS I will definitely check out your etsy store and thanks for the tips. Just to clarify what I'm using for stitching is a 3 prong punch and a speedy stich awl.
  5. Alright man I'll check em out thanks. So here is version 2. Turned out alot better but this leather WILL NOT burnish.
  6. Well my reason for going to hobby lobby is because I wanted to try it out without spending a lot of money for something I may not like. The tools I've gotten from them have sufficed fine. They just don't have ALL the tools I need. I suck at drawing but still would like to get into tooling because it's beautiful what people can do. When I'm done stitching up version 2 I'll post pictures. I do believe it would have turned out better if I had actually leather instead of the scraps from hobby lobby. Where SHOULD I buy leather from. I'm a disabled veteran and my disability is my only income so money is kind of tight. I'd like to get good leather without selling a kidney to get it
  7. Thanks for the replies. I'm currently working on version 2 right now. I definitely need an edge beveler, slicker, and the wing tool. But I'm just working with what I have for now. Where is the cheapest place to buy tools? I think Zach white leather had the best prices I saw but don't know of any other besides Tandy.
  8. How's it going everyone I'm new here this is my first post. So far I have created 2 things with leather and I'm hooked. This is my latest project a small wallet. Like a money clip without the clip. It's made from hobby lobby scrap leather. I have a very hard time keeping my stitching lines straight. I'm using a small 3 hole punch. Critique is welcome!
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