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  1. I went ahead and made 5 leashes using the Tandy Chicago screws. I used contact cement as a Locktite substitute. I did receive my SLC double cap rapid rivet order. They look beefier than the Tandy rapid rivets I was using. Haven't tried them yet. I did place an order on ebay for the House of Paws Chicago screws. Received 50 for $15 with free shipping. Seems like the best price available. Again thank you to all who responded to my 911 plea! Very valuable info for a newbie like me.
  2. Went to the Tandy store, the nice lady showed me her setting technique, and of course, it came out perfectly. I did leave the store with a bag of Chicago screws. From a product liability standpoint I'm thinking using the screws is the best and strongest option. I just don't want a powerful dog somehow popping loose a rivet and causing harm.
  3. Tried the glue thing...some held, some didn't...and that's when I applied some force to try and get it to pop open. My biggest fear is what Boriqua mentioned, that the dog would do a "bolt & run" maneuver and it would come apart. Don't want any legal challenges. Today I'll go to the Tandy store and have them do a one-on-one with me, see if they can get it to hold properly. I'm still awaiting my SLC double cap order, should arrive next week. And I may pick up a package of Chicago screws while at Tandy today. Anyways, I'm working on several options and do appreciate the comments.
  4. While I'm awaiting the SLC order, I decided to be creative with what I have. I made a washer out of some thinner leather. My post hole in the leather leash is very small, pretty tight fit as the post pokes up through. I put some contact cement on the post and inside the cap. The hole in the fold over end is a tad bigger so as to accommodate the bigger cap insert. The post now pokes up @ 1/16". Tapped the cap end very lightly and will let it dry overnight. I appreciate the additional comments.
  5. I appreciate the tips. I placed an order with Springfield LC for their double cap rivets. And I'll be checking out the Chicago screws.
  6. Making a dog leash and using Tandy double cap rapid rivets. The top of the post peeks out of the hole about 1/8 inch and I'm using the proper rivet setter tool and am using the flat spot on my vise as a foundation. I've got a package of 100 that I'm going through rather quickly. The post ends up leaning and I can usually pull the cap off. Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong? I don't have a rivet setting base, the kind with the concave indents/circles. Thanks for any help.
  7. Thanks again for the comments!
  8. Thank you for the help!
  9. I'm making a dog leash. The "inside" leather belt strip is rough with sprigs. The nice lady @ the Tandy store said to burnish with Trag first then apply the dye. I'm thinking to dye first then burnish with Trag. Won't the burnishing first hinder the dye absorption? I've used the search feature without success. Thanks for any help.
  10. Thanks guys for the comments.
  11. http://reno.craigslist.org/atd/5526819332.html No dog in this hunt but thought I'd share...maybe someone could elaborate its history.
  12. Found this old thread while doing a search and thought I'd do a bump. As I am new, it was good to come across this info. In fact, it might even be a sticky somewhere. Hope I didn't violate any rules.
  13. Great job, very attractive holster! What type/size stitching thread/material did you use? And what size mm stitch hole spacing tool? I'm new at all of this, pardon for not having the correct terminology.
  14. Don...I'm in Reno, live out in the north valleys out by Red Rock Rd. Thank you for the invite down, would love to check out your units. When I get a clear spot on my schedule, I'll pm you and we can go from there.
  15. Great info. Thanks!
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