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Everything posted by knockout

  1. X-1 and black Eco-Flo antique, leather sheen as a finish.
  2. You are 100 percent correct about the awl,and 99% of the time I use a stitching spacer and a groover to set the thread below the surface, Truth be told, I was in a hurry and was being more than a little lazy and really didn't think it showed that bad but it does.
  3. Got this new blade for my Birthday last month really like the knife it really needed a new place to hang. Pics are front empty, back side empty, and with my new blade.
  4. Happy Birthday Jim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Keith
  5. a piece of metal, round in shape, went on cars kinda domed. think really large plain concho, or buckle,or spot it just has to be 2".I guess one well placed space would of helped me. thank you all in advance.
  6. Been looking all over for this item, I got a good list of links, is this something that can be found and if it's out there someone please point me in the right direction.
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