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    Familar with all types of fancy rope work. I'm a retired Seaman and Tankerman with 30 years of experience under my belt.
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    Any and everything to do with braiding, splicing, fancy knot work, anything to do with line or leather
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  1. Question what type of formula do you folks use on your Edge braiding, Another words how much length of lace do you need to cover 1". 1to 4 Edge braiding = length of lace needed 1 to 7= 1 to 8= And so on.
  2. Doses anyone know where I can fine a pattern for a Zippo lighter sheath ?
  3. Dose anyone have a leather sheath pattern for a BK7 that I could get from you? Many thanks.
  4. A few years back I asked for some information on braids and plats unfortunately I had no response for this inquiry. So that set me up on a quest to find the information that I was seeking, it took me a couple of years to find this information. And now I'm determined to share this information with the knotting & braiding world. Without further ado and it is. Sequences For The Following Braids or Plaits For a 8 strand braid the sequence is O2, U2 {without a core the braid will be square with a core the braid will be round.} Also for another 8 strand round braid you can use this sequence U1, O2, U1 the rest of the information I have here please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. for a 4 strand braid the sequence is U1, O1 for a 6 strand braid the sequence is {U1, O1, U1 checkerboard pattern}{U1,O2,U2,O1 Herringbone for a 8 strand round braid the sequence is U1, O1, U1, O1 or U1, O2, U1 for a 8 strand herringbone or square braid the sequence is O2, U2 for a 8 strand gaucho braid the sequence is 1. R to L: U2, O2 2. L to R: O1, U2, O1 3. R to L: O2, U2 4. L to R: U1, O2, U1 for a 10 strand braid the sequence is U1, O2, U2 for a 12 strand braid the sequence is U2, O2, U2 or U2, O1, U1, O2 or O3, U3 for a 16 strand braid the sequence is O2, U2, O2, U2 or U3, O1, U1, O3 for a 18 strand braid the sequence is U1, O2, U2, O2, U2 or U3, O3, U3 for a 20 strand braid the sequence is U4, O1, U1, O4 for a 24 strand braid the sequence is U4, O2, U2, O4 for a 26 strand braid the sequence is U1, O4, U2, O2, U4 For The 9,13,&17 Strand Flat Sennit Or Trenza Patria The Argentines Favorite Braid The center V seems to be more pronounced in the odd numbers. With any of these braids it is important that the outer crossing needs to be at least U3 or O3 to produce a nice square edge. Rather than being a true flat sennit as Clifford Ashley's term, You can think of this family of braids as rectangular rather than flat. Done in rawhide they do lay a lot flatter , but in a round cord/twine they are a very pronounced rectangle. For the 9 strand flat sennit, the sequence would be O2, U2, but variations would also work. The 13 strand flat sennit is O3 U3 Reversing the sequence will work when using O3 U1, or O1 U3. It will keep either the inside small, or the outside small, meaing the lines are closer together with less visibility of the layer on the bottom. For the 17 strand flat sennit, or trenza patria the Argentines favorite braid. the sequence is O4, U4 For the 17 strand flat sennit, keep 9 in your left hand, and 8 in your right. Top strand in the left hand goes OVER the first 4, and UNDER the next 4 strands on the left. Then on the right, the top strand goes OVER 4 and UNDER the next four. This completes one sequence. The next pass, the top strand in the left hand goes U4, O4, and on the right hand it goes U4, O4. The sequence begins to look like this... LEFT RIGHT O4, U4 to right O4, U4 back to left U4, O4 to right U4, O4 back to left O4, U4 to right O4, U4 back to left U4, O4 to right U4, O4 back to left O4, U4 to right O4, U4 back to left U4, O4 to right U4, O4 back to left O4, U4 to right O4, U4 back to left U4, O4 to right U4, O4 back to left The ninth strand goes back and forth from the left hand to the right hand, alternating the over under sequence.
  5. Here you go hope this helps
  6. Thank you guys for the kind comments. I had some scrap leather laying around so I decided to make something out of it. Know that I know what i'm doing next time i'll use better leather.
  7. I finished this one too.
  8. I finshed it.
  9. Thanks for the kind comment. If you're looking for some kangaroo lace the best place to purchase it would be through Brian Kidd at Knot Heads World Wide.net he can hook you up with some good kangaroo lace for the best price you can get anywhere. He has a connection in Australia where he gets his kangaroo hides at a discount. Brian is a member of this forum also, he might just chime in.
  10. Well folks this is how I spent my Christmas Eve night and my Christmas night. I have been wanting to do this for such a long time and I had some free time and I had some scrap leather so I decided to do a little Mexican basket weave braid. Haven't decided what braid I want to do on the inside of the bracelet. Can't wait till I can get my hands on some good whiskey tan kangaroo hide so that I can do some nice braiding. Any comments or critiques are welcome.
  11. Braids I lost my information sheet on my braids, and I was just wondering if you kind folks could help me out with the sequences in each one of these braids. for a 8 strand braid the sequence is O2, U2 {without a core the braid will be square with a core the braid will be round.} Also for another 8 strand braid you can use this sequence U1, O2, U1 the rest of the information I have here I’m not too sure about please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. for a 10 strand round braid the sequence is U1, O2, U2 for a 12 strand round braid the sequence is U2, O2, U2 for a 16 strand round braid the sequence is O2, U2, O2, U2 for a 18 strand round braid the sequence is U1, O2, U2, O2, U2 for a 20 strand round braid the sequence is ? for a 24 strand round braid the sequence is ? for a 26 strand round braid the sequence is ? any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
  12. K-Man I sent you a PM about the dies
  13. Have you had a chance to go down and pick them up yet?
  14. Thanks so much Ken
  15. Where can I find info on how to do double loop lacing?
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