I had been getting most of my hides from Sheridan Leather before they closed down (very sad- I loved that little shop), and came across a really incredible hide in their closeout sale (bought it sight unseen with little description, off their Facebook sale for essentially what was described as black garment leather), extremely supple, amazing drape/hand, buttery soft pebble grain, 2-2.5 oz, and label stated it's by a company called "Montebello", out of Italy. I've messaged Sheridan Leather on Facebook, as to where I could find another distributor of the leather, but obviously they're no longer operating so I didn't get a response. I also sent Montebello an email directly, but god knows where that went, as I haven't gotten a response from them either.
Long story long: does anyone have any recommendations as to who I could contact to find similar hides? I don't know that it has to be Italian, but the hides I've gotten in attempts to find a match have been subpar, similar weight, but feel like waxy cardboard by comparison (exaggeration, but you get the picture.). Not that it would help, but probably wouldn't hinder, I've included photos of the two purses I made out of the hide.