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  1. I'd like to take some. What kind of leather is it and what weight generally? PM me and I'll paypal you the shipping.
  2. Hi! Was looking for some advice... I've seen several two-tone watch straps online, and I'd like to try my hand at one. Because the coloring will only be on the grain side, do you think I should use painter's tape to mask off the strap before applying dye with a dauber, or using painter's tape with something like Angelus Leather Paint and a brush? Look forward to hearing your suggestions. Thanks!
  3. I was just going to ask about the W&C russet skirting! I might just look into getting some tooling in that color, as long as it takes dye well. (The HO I bought didn't dye evenly. Everything came out splotchy. The hide itself had uneven coloring.) Thank you for your comments.
  4. Hello, I recently purchased a side of 3/4 oz Hermann Oak from S&D Trading Co, and wasn't happy with the quality. If I decided to try out Wickett & Craig, which type of leather should I be looking into for making watch straps? I would like the color to be as close to natural veg tan as possible. I see they have English Bridle, Tooling, etc. I'm not sure which would be best. Edit: Qualities I'm looking for is suppleness and mostly taking dye evenly.
  5. Maverick Leather Company is selling sides of dry milled Hermann Oak for $95/side. http://www.maverickleathercompany.com/saddlery-tooling-belting/tooling-specials/
  6. Oops, by casing I meant wetting with a sponge I guess I didn't wait long enough for the leather to dry...
  7. Hello everyone, I have a problem. I'm making a few watch straps. Basically, I cased my leather and stamped it, but when it came to dyeing, the area where I had wetted the leather didn't dye evenly. I waited until the leather had completely dried before dyeing it, so I don't know why it's uneven. I've read here that you should tool/stamp before dyeing, so I don't know what I did wrong. FYI I'm using Fiebing's Pro Oil on Hermann Oak. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi everyone! This is my first post. I was wondering if anyone had experience buying HO from S&D Trading Co in Lubbock, TX. I randomly found them while googling sources for Hermann Oak. I went ahead and purchased a side of 3/4 oz but maybe I should've waited until hearing from the good people here. When I emailed them asking about the quality, they said their sides were A/B grade, which makes their prices much cheaper than Maverick, Goliger, Montana and Weaver (Panhandle does not carry 3/4 oz). I emailed Oregon Leather Co but haven't heard back from them. Thanks in advance!
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