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  1. I just bought a used Singer 328K... Does anyone have a downloadable owners manula for this..Or know of a place that I can get a manula.. thanks kel
  2. Any ideas on how I should replace the horn wrap and cap?? thanks..Kelly sorry about all the same pics..won't happen next time..kels
  3. Thanks for the replies. Yes, it would be such as that is on a packers saddle. So it is sewn directly to the back of the cantle leather? Is there a some sort of gusset to it also? Does the pouch have a backing or is the cantle leather the backing? thanks kelly
  4. I am needing some instruction on constructing a nail pouch behind a cantle. It will be for a saddle with a 4"cantle. Can anyone give some insight on this..? thanks, kelly
  5. thanks Bree the machine has no letter in the serial number so it must be before 1900..It works like a new one.. Also I did read when neatfoot oil was also placed in the cup. Have never used it and like you mentioned it seems to work well without any type of lube. kelly
  6. Just got my old Singer 29-4 out and cleaned up. I have a partial instruction manual for it. It mentions when treading it that you raise the wire on the oil cup and pass the thread under it and press the wire back in place. There is a piece of felt located in the bottom of the cup. What purpose does the cup serve and what type/kind of oil and how much is put in it? Also where can parts and needles be had. I have the seriel nimber off it. Is there somewhere on the web to look for the date of manufacture? Thanks, kelly
  7. Looking to buy Al Stohlman 1 or all s saddle making books.. thanks kelly
  8. Looking to buy one or all three of Al Stohlman saddle making books. thanks, kell
  9. Yup. Road trip~! kelly
  10. Thanks all for the info. I much appreciate it. The shop is located in Iowa. kelly
  11. I just had the fortune of being contacted by a gentleman that wants to sell out his leather shop. Here are a few of the things that he listed. Is there any thoughts if this would be all worth going to look at it. It is a little bit of a drive for me. What is the machines worth? His price is $2500. I appreciate any words of wisdom. Randall Union sewing machince.. sews up to 3/4 in. leather, Singer patch machine, saddle work stand, approx. 40 edgers, creasers,marking wheels,etc, Osborne and other small tools, 3 work benches, leather splitter, 3 in 1 cutter, harness vice, buckles, rivets, leather, rawhide, harness parts, oil, conditioner, many tools and parts. thanks, kelly
  12. Outstanding Don.. May I ask what type of finish you used. kelly
  13. I've got the same question... But I'm from the west central part of Iowa. Near Omaha and Sioux City area. Have read till I'm blind on saddle making but there are just a few questions I have that I would like to ask in person and be able to have a few things demonstrated.. thanks all... kelly
  14. I have a Singer 29-4 that was in my grandpa's shoe shop. I've had it since 1969 and have never used it. How thick of leather will it sew. What would he have used it on? Thanks, kell
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