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    My dad.......Peter Main

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  1. Welcome Doug61 enjoy the site
  2. SIGNED COPIES OF PETER MAIN'S BOOKS ON COLORING LEATHER. To learn about Peter Main's technique on coloring leather with spirit dyes, then these are the books Please email me on mattsleather@gmail.com for more information.
  3. The Coloring book is $25.00 and the Australian book is $20.00. Australia postage $11.95. Outside AU please contact me for a price. Payment is by Paypal only. Please inbox me if you wish to purchase books.
  4. The Coloring book is $25.00 and the Australian book is $20.00. Australia postage is $5.00 for 1 book, $7.50 combined for 2 books, Tracking $9.00 extra due to Auspost price rise.Outside AU please contact me for a price. Payment is by Paypal only. Please email any enquiries. mattsleather@gmail.com
  5. The Coloring book is $25.00 and the Australian book is $20.00. Australia postage is $5.00 for 1 book, $7.50 combined for 2 books, Tracking $3.00 extra due to Auspost price rise.Outside AU please contact me for a price. Payment is by Paypal only. Please email any enquiries. mattsleather@gmail.com
  6. The Coloring book is $25.00 and the Australian book is $20.00. Australia postage is $5.00 for 1 book, $7.50 combined for 2 books, Tracking $3.00 extra due to Auspost price rise.Outside AU please contact me for a price. Payment is by Paypal only. Please email any enquiries. mattsleather@gmail.com
  7. The Coloring book is $25.00 and the Australian book is $20.00. Australia postage is $5.00 for 1 book, $7.50 combined for 2 books, Tracking $3.00 extra due to Auspost price rise.Outside AU please contact me for a price. Payment is by Paypal only. Please email any enquiries. mattsleather@gmail.com
  8. The Coloring book is $25.00 and the Australian book is $20.00. Australia postage is $5.00 for 1 book, $7.50 combined for 2 books, Tracking $3.00 extra due to Auspost price rise.Outside AU please contact me for a price. Payment is by Paypal only. Please email any enquiries. mattsleather@gmail.com
  9. The Coloring book is $25.00 and the Australian book is $20.00. Australia postage is $5.00 for 1 book, $7.50 combined for 2 books, Tracking $3.00 extra due to Auspost price rise.Outside AU please contact me for a price. Payment is by Paypal only. Please email any enquiries. mattsleather@gmail.com
  10. The Coloring book is $25.00 and the Australian book is $20.00. Australia postage is $5.00 for 1 book, $7.50 combined for 2 books, Tracking $3.00 extra due to Auspost price rise.Outside AU please contact me for a price. Payment is by Paypal only. Please email any enquiries. mattsleather@gmail.com
  11. The Coloring book is $25.00 and the Australian book is $20.00. Australia postage is $5.00 for 1 book, $7.50 combined for 2 books, Tracking $3.00 extra due to Auspost price rise.Outside AU please contact me for a price. Payment is by Paypal only. Please email any enquiries. mattsleather AT gmail DOT com
  12. yes these are great books
  13. The Coloring book is $25.00 and the Australian book is $20.00. Australia postage is $5.00 for 1 book, $7.50 combined for 2 books, Tracking $3.00 extra due to Auspost price rise. Outside Australia please contact me for a price on overseas postage. Contact me mattsleather@gmail.com Payment is by Paypal only
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