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Everything posted by Denster

  1. 5/6 oz by itself is about ideal for a pocket holster.
  2. 400 is a steal even if you had to send it in for a rebuild. There are a number of good videos, many of which Tippmann posted, regarding the bos on You Tube. From my experience the Boss likes nylon thread over poly. Thread size either 277 or 346. Buy a bunch of extra bobbins. Mount it solidly the Boss does not operate well on a flimsy mount. You will want S suffix chisel point needles.
  3. Because the secondary angle will be ground too steep and you will not be able to force it through the thicker leather short of a hydraulic press. Just let them know what it is for and things will be fine.
  4. Texas Custom Dies makes an excellent mallet punch. One thing to be aware of is to let them know that it will be used to punch through two layers of 8/9 Oz veg tan. Otherwise it will come sharpened to punch through one layer of 5/6OZ and you will need to regrind it.
  5. Sig is a chore to work with. The early 238's were changed a couple of years ago to a thicker slide dimension. So you have to know which 238 you have to make a holster for one. I do not know whether the newer thicker 238 is the same as the 938 just knowing Sig I doubt it.
  6. You had an episode of Hermann Oak from Hell. When I was going through thirty to fifty sides per year I could count on having and least four or five that were virtually impossible to cut with a round knife. Had to use a razor knife with a hook blade pulled around the pattern and stropped frequently. The upside is that those sides made excellent holsters. Never figured out what caused it but others have posted on the same problem.
  7. I give it a quick dip in warmed oil then let it sit for a day before finishing.
  8. I believe you meant grain side exposed inside and out. I use neatsfoot oil inside and out after molding and drying just prior to finishing.
  9. To answer your question on the stitching. You would not need to lock the stitching at the beginning and at the end would only need to overstitch three or four with no backstitching. If you backstitch in addition you are stuffing a lot of thread into those holes and they will look nasty.
  10. I would be most interested to know what method you use to construct a pancake IWB holster, with only a front panel reinforcement, that will not ever close up after the weapon is drawn, Seriously.
  11. Dwight makes a good point that a reinforcement can be used effectively on a pancake design like the VM2 or his cactus but only if it wraps around the front of the gun. If it only attaches to the front panel, the way most do, then it will not be effective in keeping the holster open.
  12. Adding a reinforcement piece to a pancake style holster is useless and only makes the holster thicker. It can be used effectively on envelope style holsters with many makers using a thin strip of steel under the leather.
  13. This is an alcohol based product. You can get the same effect with isapropel without the expense. To use you just substitute it for water when molding.
  14. You just need some moisture in the leather, not a lot, what remains after molding is sufficient. Heat at about 130 Deg F for at least 20 minutes. I generally leave for an hour or more. This will release collagens in the leather, essentially liquid hide glue, that will glue the fibers in place and stiffen the holster nicely.
  15. For years I have been finishing, with either bag coat or super sheen over a burnished wax edge with no problems whatsoever.
  16. I insert either the renwaxed real gun or blue gun and mold then detail bone and form a curvature depending on the hand of the holster then burnish with lambswool pad. Then I remove the gun and place the holster in the convection oven at 120 to 130 degF for and hour or so.
  17. Hmmm! Never watched Big Bang Theory so I don't know whether to be amused, complemented or insulted?
  18. Correct 14.7psi at sea level. Should have looked it up before I posted.
  19. Dwight explained that pretty well. It is not the power of the pump that does the work for us but the column of air, which has weight, above the bag we have just established a vacuum in. That weight is about 18lbs/sqin give or take a bit depending on your location above sea level.
  20. They will both establish vacuum but the dual stage will do it a few seconds faster.
  21. It really doesn't make any difference with the slight advantage of the two stage being able to establish a vacuum seven or eight seconds sooner.
  22. Ray. Pretty darn nice particularly for someone who doesn't regularly work with exotics.
  23. If the machine operates properly and with the shown accessories a fair deal would be around $1200.
  24. One to two minutes submerged is your problem. You have super saturated your leather. All it takes is a four or five second dunk then let the leather start to return to it's natural color and insert the gun and form.
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