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About RoamingGnome

  • Birthday September 6

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  • Interests
    Fly fishing, Quail hunting, Golf, and well.....leather of course.

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    None yet
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    Depends on the day and what I've screwed up
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    Google search

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  1. All items have been sold. Thanks again for the interest everyone!
  2. Thanks for the interest everyone. This shipped out yesterday evening and is on its way to its new home in TX.
  3. Updated List I finally got pics resized and uploaded! If there are items you're interested let me know via email (brent.e191@gmail.com) or reply to this post and include your email. I finally got pics resized and uploaded! As I mentioned above there may be other things I find as I package it up and if so I'll update the list or add it to the box, whichever comes first. I'm asking $200 for the entire lot but I'm willing to consider offers and I WILL SEPARATE. Everything will be shipped UPSP Priority with tracking same day in most cases. HAND TOOLS CS Osborne #8 pricking wheel CS Osborne #10 pricking wheel Craftool pricking wheel w/interchangeable wheels (New condition) CS Osborne #3 creaser Hand burnishing tool (New condition) Drill burnishing wheel Strap cutter (Old but works) CUTTING TOOLS Al Stohlman straight trim knife (New condition) Al Stohlman round knife (New condition) Craftool Super Skiver (New condition) Craftool safety beveler (New condition) Eagle thread nippers (New condition) Craftool 4.0 keyhole punch (New condition) STITCHING TOOLS Craftool multi-strap end pointed template Craftool Pro 10 prong diamond stitching chisel (88055-10) (New condition) Craftool Pro 9 prong diamond stitching chisel (88056-09) (New condition) Craftool Pro 2 prong diamond stitching chisel (88056-02) (New condition) Craftool Pro 1 prong diamond stitching chisel (88055-01) (New condition) Craftool adjustable stitch groove cutter CARVING TOOLS 5 misc. shaders and shapers older Tandy swivel knife Several Craftool carving patterns Geometric basketweave tool Straight basketweave tool Small rivet setter Domed rivet/jewel setter PM or email me at the address above for pics/questions.
  4. Thanks to all of you for your interest. The Landis is sold pending payment. I do still have the small benchtop splitter and quite a few tools left in the other post. Thanks again!
  5. Chapelstone I'm about 20 minutes from Chattanooga. Just to update everyone there 4 who have expressed interest and I'm going in the order I receive messages or emails. I'll update here as I go.
  6. Carson I've never used it but I knew the owner pretty well and can't imagine him having anything that wouldn't work. He was the original owner and his wife said it never moved from the spot where he mounted it the day he got it. And I could tell when I tried to get the bolts out of the bench! Haha His widow was selling off his stuff to move to assisted living and I bought quite a bit. And unfortunately left quite a bit. There was a clicker press and several other things I wish I had room for at the time. Now I have the room and not the time..... Thanks for the plus 1 Big Sioux!
  7. Landis splitter in great condition. I bought it from the widow of a local leatherworker who I learned a lot from. I never saw him use it and I haven't used it since I bought it. The blade is in great shape but probably needs sharpening. It is missing a blade clamp on the right rear see pics) but from what I can see the thumbscrews that set the blade depth and and the clamp on the left would prevent the blade from moving without it. The rollers are in great shape and I do have other pics available on request. Asking 300 plus shipping. Contact me here or at brent.e191@gmail.com Thanks for looking!
  8. UPDATED LIST..... Stamps and Landis splitter are SOLD. HAND TOOLS CS Osborne #8 pricking wheel CS Osborne #10 pricking wheel Craftool pricking wheel w/interchangeable wheels CS Osborne #0 edger CS Osborne #1 edger (2) CS Osborne #3 creaser Hand burnishing tool Drill burnishing wheel Strap cutter (Old but works) PUNCHES Priory 7/8" round punch Priory 1" round punch CS Osborne oblong punches (5/8", 3/4", 1", 1 1/4") CS Osborne 1 3/4" Pointed strap end punch No name brand 1 3/8" pointed strap end punch (CSO copy) CS Osborne 1 1/2" round strap end punch CS Osborne 1 3/4" round strap end punch CUTTING TOOLS Al Stohlman straight trim knife (as new) Al Stohlman round knife (as new) Craftool Super Skiver Craftool safety beveler Eagle thread nippers STITCHING TOOLS Craftool multi-strap end pointed template Craftool corner round punch (as new) Craftool 4.0 keyhole punch Craftool Pro 10 prong diamond stitching chisel (88055-10) Craftool Pro 9 prong diamond stitching chisel (88056-09) Craftool Pro 2 prong diamond stitching chisel (88056-02) Craftool Pro 1 prong diamond stitching chisel (88055-01) Craftool adjustable stitch groove cutter CARVING TOOLS 5 misc. shaders and shapers older Tandy swivel knife Several Craftool carving patterns (I'll have to update the list with designs) Craftool Pro 9 prong diamond stitching chisel (88056-09) Geometric basketweave tool Straight basketweave tool Small rivet setter Domed rivet/jewel setter MISC. Several spools/sizes/colors of thread (nylon, waxed, etc.) As I mentioned above there may be other things I find as I package it up and if so I'll update the list or add it to the box, whichever comes first. I'm asking $800 for the entire lot but I'm willing to consider offers. PM or email me at the address above for pics/questions. I also have a benchtop splitter that I'll be listing separately but they could be negotiated in the deal.
  9. Due to my job and other commitments I haven't had time for anything else in quite a while and I hate to see everything collecting dust and not being used so I've decided to part with most all of the tools that I have. The list is below and I do have pictures but I'll have to email them due to file size. I'd prefer to sell all in one lot but would consider splitting them up. You can email me at brent.e191@gmail.com with any questions or requests for pics. The list below is the majority of what I have for sale but if I run across other items I'll add them to the list or add them to the box if it sells as a lot. This is going to be a heavy box so if you're interested email or PM me with your location and we can work out shipping details. HAND TOOLS CS Osborne #8 pricking wheel CS Osborne #10 pricking wheel Craftool pricking wheel w/interchangeable wheels CS Osborne #0 edger CS Osborne #1 edger (2) CS Osborne #3 creaser Hand burnishing tool Drill burnishing wheel Strap cutter (Old but works) PUNCHES Priory 7/8" round punch Priory 1" round punch CS Osborne oblong punches (5/8", 3/4", 1", 1 1/4") CS Osborne 1 3/4" Pointed strap end punch No name brand 1 3/8" pointed strap end punch (CSO copy) CS Osborne 1 1/2" round strap end punch CS Osborne 1 3/4" round strap end punch STAMPS (Handle mounted) Handles on a couple of these are slightly bent and were that way when I got them but they still function just fine Old Univ. of TN logo Univ. of AL logo Celtic heart knot Landing duck (wings up) Flying duck Masonic emblem Harley Davidson logo Flur de lis (small) Flying quail Old Jack Daniels logo Tandy Interchangeable stamps Masonic emblem (2) Shriner emblem Fire Department emblem American Flag Boy Scouts emblem Hibiscus Wild Turkey Basketweave corner stamp Oak leaves corner stamp Scroll corner stamp STAMP SETS Craftool 1/4" Alphabet & Numbers (Typewriter style) Craftool 1/4" Alphabet (Bold style) CUTTING TOOLS Al Stohlman straight trim knife (as new) Al Stohlman round knife (as new) Craftool Super Skiver Craftool safety beveler Eagle thread nippers STITCHING TOOLS Craftool multi-strap end pointed template Craftool corner round punch (as new) Craftool 4.0 keyhole punch Craftool Pro 10 prong diamond stitching chisel (88055-10) Craftool Pro 9 prong diamond stitching chisel (88056-09) Craftool Pro 2 prong diamond stitching chisel (88056-02) Craftool Pro 1 prong diamond stitching chisel (88055-01) Craftool adjustable stitch groove cutter CARVING TOOLS 5 misc. shaders and shapers older Tandy swivel knife Several Craftool carving patterns (I'll have to update the list with designs) Craftool Pro 9 prong diamond stitching chisel (88056-09) Geometric basketweave tool Straight basketweave tool Small rivet setter Domed rivet/jewel setter MISC. Several spools/sizes/colors of thread (nylon, waxed, etc.) As I mentioned above there may be other things I find as I package it up and if so I'll update the list or add it to the box, whichever comes first. I'm asking $800 for the entire lot but I'm willing to consider offers. PM or email me at the address above for pics/questions. I also have a Landis splitter in pristine condition and a benchtop splitter that I'll be listing separately but they could be negotiated in the deal. Thanks for looking!
  10. Nice job! Wish I had the skill. Wish I had the patience. Wish I had a family Crest! Looks like you've come a long way in a few weeks.
  11. In less than 24 hours this went from a lawn mowing accessory to an all out lifesaver perfect for carrying on a plane and keeping your trouserly flotsam and jetsam within easy reach! And now I must make one. Mine will end up weighing 15 pounds and looking like I drug it through a landfill with all the junk hanging off of it but TSA won't have to open up my bag to sniff around anymore. Slick design WRLC and thanks for the idea mutt!
  12. Thanks Mike. If I'm able to get over in that direction soon I'll take a look at them. I travel quite a bit with my job so I always check Craigslist to see if there's anything I can't live without when I'm gonna be in a certain area. Just as an update on the original post, the lady who had the machine sent a text while I was on my way to the meeting in her area that morning to tell me she had decided to keep the machine. Said she "likes the decorative effect". Oddly enough it took her a month on Craigslist to figure that out.
  13. I never thought about that but I can see how it would be less irritating. After 20 years of owning labs I wasn't crazy about the whole schnauzer idea when my daughter brought it up but after a year and a half she's starting to grow on me a little. Who knows, I may decide she's worthy of the effort after all.
  14. Thanks Bob. I was able to find a manual online and it looks like the maximum capacity for the 78 is 3/16". I don't plan on using a machine on anything other than bigger projects such as bags and I would still want to hand stitch anything thicker. I guess the big question is would either of the machines that this may or may not turn out to be a replica of when I actually get there be a decent machine to learn on using lighter material?
  15. Thanks guys. I kinda wondered if it might be a Singer copy. I was still digging around on Google at 1:30 this morning and found some pictures of a Singer 31-15 that looks close also. I figured since I have to be there anyway it was worth taking a look at but I don't want to wind up with something I can't get parts for if needed. I have a Brother Super Streamliner that I used to use for canvas for repairing backpacks and the like but I know absolutely nothing about the bigger machines.
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