Ok, so all in all, what I'm looking to accomplish is the same type of material as the high end outfits use, but sourced in the USA. European style, American made I suppose is what I'm shooting for. Lightly pebbled/textured, nice bright colors (along with the standard black and brown). I have respect for the tan* spectrum of tanning, I understand it has it's place in the high end market as well, but it's very traditional and just not what I'm wanting to work with. I will be incorporating titanium and real carbon fiber "leather" (that's what the call it) into my designs. I'm going for super modern and super clean looks.
I do appreciate the help from all of you thus far! Maybe someone can help bring this in for me for exactly what I'm looking for. Right now as I said, I'm looking at using Acadia Leather https://www.acadialeather.com/ (anyone have any issues with them?) and maybe Waterhouse Leather (http://www.waterhouseleather.com/pebble_grain_cowhide.htm).