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Posts posted by IvoryCreek

  1. very great points :) 

    I ended up getting a cheap 1 ton arbor press to start. purchased a set of brass stamps and a set of plates to attach onto the ram.

    I've got a heat gun too so i'm planning on just heating the stamp, put it in place, then press! hope that'll work.

    btw, where should i source some good quality gold foil? i got some from amazon and they are pretty terrible...adhesion is quite poor and the stamped regions don't have clean lines (flaky).


  2. Hi there, has anyone used either the Howard M150 or the M45 on leather? I had some brass types made that I want to use to stamp some gold foil onto veg tan leather. After doing some research online (this forum is awesome truly), I found this guide to be very informative. I however cannot tell Howard's M150 apart from the M45 aside from that the M150 has a foil feed. Insights are much appreciated as always :)

    a side question, if i don't heat up those stamps, is it as good as a regular arbor press or clicker (is this just a flat press instead of a post press?), or will those hot stamp systems won't have enough force to leave a good embossing?

    another side question...i read about die-cutting, seems like it will increase yield quite a bit if I choose to start selling on Etsy etc. where do I get dies made and I'd have to use a clicker then?


    Thanks a million and happy weekend!



  3. Thanks ZigZag and Yettibelle, it sounds like my pedal may be faulty, I'll talk to Sailrite about this. 

    What I’m observing is when I step on it gradually and slowly, the motor will first start making a buzzing sound, and once my foot steps past a certain point, the wheel starts to accelerate to its minimal speed, which is already quite fast. Then if i step a little more, it's really fast...

    Thank you all!

  4. Thanks guys. I can give the Monster II wheel a try, but is it just a heavier balance wheel compared to the one that came with the machine (which can also be hand cranked)? how does that help speed control?

    I think the pedal doesn't spike, it's just the slowest speed is still quite fast leaving me little control. and it accelerates quickly if I step a tad harder.

  5. Hi there,

    I have a flatbed heavy-duty Sailrite LSZ-1 that I've been playing with and I've found the speed very difficult to control solely by the foot pedal. Looking at videos on youtube, I learned that Servo motors can be bought to retrofit old sewing machines, I wonder if I can do the same with the Sailrite LSZ-1. How would I go about this to figure out if it is possible? The motor on this LSZ-1 is attached to the sewing machine.

    Another idea I read somewhere is to add a voltage regulator kinda thing that can more precisely control the speed compared to using a foot pedal...no idea how to do this though :(

    please help...thank you all!

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