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Everything posted by Snakebyte

  1. Here's my first attempt at a stingy overlay on leather, I'm pretty happy with it, except the finish. I user satin sheen from Tandy, and after a full day of use, its dull and crappy looking. What do you guys like? Need something that's gonna stand up to abuse, but still look good. Any tips or comments welcome.
  2. This was quick and easy, I just left about 6 inches of it uncovered, and put her name on it. Kids really seem to like these!
  3. That makes sense, I didn't think about the horns being too big... I guess I'll have to look and see if I can find a piece I can afford, don't have the funds to just buy a whole gator hide yet. I'll check out the caimen too. Can you dye the caimen hydes that tandy has (they look like they are dyed already, but its a real light orange tan) would I have a problem dying it black or dark brown? Maybe I'll try a backstrap inlay duty belt, and find another way to attach pouches/ mag holder, etc (maybe chicago screw on belt loops so the can still move a little for comfort.
  4. That looks great, I'm thinkin I'm gonna tool the 5-6 inches on each side of buckle, otherwise the hornback might get uncomfortable, so I am thinking the stitching is gonna be a pita. Lol I wonder how well the groover will work on the backstrap...
  5. These are my first attempts at making a holster from scratch(the last few), I'm pretty happy with them, just working on practicing the finishing touches. Lol This is my very first, it was a tandy minimalist, and I've been wearing it daily for work (armored car) the last three months, and I love it (more than my galco holsters) This was my second kit for an xd: What do you guys and gals think? Its for an m+p 9mm. Here's a stingray overlay on a kydex holster I had laying around, stingray is a real pita to work with: Here is one I made for a raven with stingray grips: And here is my favorite, just made this yesterday, fits my g26 and g22, its inlayed with cobra skin: Now I just need some help figuring out how to do a belt/holster/mag pouch out of alligator backstraps. The belt is the one I'm really iffy about.
  6. Been thinkin about trying to do a belt and matching holster with alligator back straps, and was looking for some advice on the belt part. Its gonna be hand stitched, normally I use a 4 prong diamond punch from tandy, but the holes are gonna be kinda big. Thinkin I might have to break down and use the awl. Would you cut a stitch groove? Haven't done a belt yet, will probably just do a little practice on a blank to try to stitch straight, and see how hard it is to laminate the two pieces. Thanks!
  7. Ok, I've made a few holsters that I'm pretty happy with, just need some more practice getting the edges smooth and rounded. I'm working on an inlay and overlay, and was wondering if you guys and gals glue the skins on before or after wet molding. Is it the same of inlays and overlays? Thanks!
  8. Looks great, I have done a few of their minimalist kits for practice with tooling/stamping, and want to try an inlay now. Did you just cut another piece that would cover the edge of the skin and stitch that on the top? (Just the center portion, or whole face?) Thanks!
  9. I am a dealer for rings, blackhawk(their training guns are a bit cheaper) asp, and several other comapnies. If enough people are interested, we could try to set up a group buy(if thats allowed here)
  10. Well, here are the grips, finished. Tired of working on em... I polished the stripe thru the middle, and around the edge, and polished the edge till it was smooth and shiny. I used the edge area of the pelt, so I still have the nice area. Just out of curiousity, what would you charge someone to make a grip like that? I understand that these are not perfect, but they are my first attempt. Thanks!
  11. In post 5, I added an attachment to show the holster I would like. Any idea on the edge? How in the world do they get it like that? I am working on some stingray now, and just get white spots on it...
  12. How did you dress the edge? What did you use to dye it, and seal it? Here is a pic. I am still working on it. Just used the black part, the diamond is going on the holsted, and one on the mag carrier. Thanks, Jeff
  13. The problem is that it is going over a piece of plastic. I ended up taking clear epoxy, and going around the edge of the grip, covering the edge of the skin, and the plastic. When it cures, I will sand it down smooth, dye it black, and seal it to make it more glossy. For the holster, I would like to make it a full inlay.
  14. I know the edges are kinda crappy. I want to find something to put over the edge of the ray, and plastic (black epoxy?) to seal the edge, keep it from peeling, and cover the rough edge. Maybe put epoxy on, let it set, then try to sand it down, and polish it smooth? Any ideas?
  15. Well, to start, I bought a small 25 (Raven) because I like them for some reason... no idea why... I figured, it would look nice with a stingray holster, and mag carrier. The idea being, that being small, with a chrome gun, it would be kinda "bling, bling" and purely novelty for the most part. Just kind of a "because I can" type thing. I thought about it a bit, and hate the grips they come with. Figured being a little thicker, and matching the holster would be cool... So I wanted to try to stick the stingray to the grips. I cut em a little too big, and epoxied the stingray on. I roughed up the grips first, to help ensure the epoxy sticks good. I will be working on the holsters in a bit, but figured that because I had a spare set of grips, I would play with them first My problem: The skin cut fine with scissors. I used the part close to the tail end, where the "pebbles" are smallest. Worked fine, had no problems. The edge is kinda sharp, and the edge of the pebbles is whitish. I am going to try a dremel gently to try to blend the edge of the skin, epoxy, and black plastic grip together a bit. The skin is black, and the grip is as well. Any ideas? Still very new to this...
  16. OK, in the second post, you mention rectangle 1 and 3 tang punches for making stitching holes and getting straight stitching lines with a plastic mallet/hammer. Are these an alternative to an oversticher, and punch/awl? Is this easier to keep straight? I plan on doing the saddle stich(I think) the one with two needles. Thanks, Jeff
  17. If you need blue guns, I am a dealer. Also for asp red guns. You can reach me here: crash_man_86@hotmail.com -or- PM me
  18. Thanks for the link. Any tips on specific needles to use? I have been told waxed linen is good for thread. Thoughts?
  19. Bought a piece of stingray from them. Shipping was VERY fast. Just goota call and ask em about the hide. The white diamond in the middle is visible from the back in the very center. I can see right thru the hide in the middle, and if I pushed on the center white spot, i could push it right off.
  20. I have been looking for some, and am having a hard time finding some that aren't a LOT of money. I am just starting, and am looking for some small/med pieces to try on holsters, etc. The only stuff I can find is for the WHOLE skin, which is WAY too much money for me. Anyone know of a good place to find some smaller palces? Interested in trying all sorts of exotics, but can't afford to buy a whole skin. I have seen some on ebay, but that seems to be hit or miss...
  21. some ebay leather leather on ebay Woud either of these be suitable for holster work? Can anyone reccomend a needle, thread and the other specific tools for hand stitching? I have a couple library books I rented about leatherworking, and I am reading them. But I figured someone may have some suggestions about it. Thanks!
  22. Sounds good, I will let you know when I hope to be near there! As for the cleaning kit, hit my site in my sig line, and see if i have the brand you are looking for. I have access to otis(expensive) and I also sell hoppes, and kleen bore. And MUCH more.
  23. OK, thanks for the advice. First, just looking at the tandy site, can someone please point me in the right direction for their leather? They have a few that mean nothing to me Here is their list: Leather Chap Leather Embossed Exotic Hair on Hides Latigo Lining Rawhide Remnant Bags Saddle Skirting Sole and Armor Bends Suedes/Splits Tooling Shoulders, Bends, Bellies, Etc Tooling Sides Upholstery Utility and Oily Next, What s the best way to wet form? (just hot tap water, almost boiled, luke warm) How long should it soak before, and should I leave the form in after? Should the holster be sewn together before forming, then add the stitching around the pistol? What kind of bone should I use? I have a pancake holster, and can use it as a base model. What should be used for adhesive? I have seen barge cement mentioned a lot. What should be used for lining? Is the lining just suede, and is it glued or sewn in (or both?) One last question for now. What do I need for sewing? (by hand) what will make it easier? I see lots of needles and sinew/string types. What would be best for me(your opinion) I would prefer black thread, as thats the color I want the holster to be. (guess I will need dye too, do you prefer water based, or laquer based? And as a side note, how are the inlays attached? Are they sandwiched? Holster, exotic, "border piece" And stiched/glued? The attached photo is exactly what i want to make. It looks sewn around the edge. Would it have been just cemented and sewn to the top of the completed holster? Would the edges need to be sealed? I REALLY appreciate all your help. I am also a blue gun dealer (I also sell asp products, they make red guns, and batons, etc) I will get anyone on this site great prices, if you let me know you are a member here, and verify that with your username. Just tell me what you need, and I will get you a price.
  24. I am new to the site, and have found enough info to give me a headache! I am really excited about trying this, and really want to focus on holsters and sheaths. I have read a ot of this site, and am still having trouble grasping the pattern making, leather choices, and basic tool requirements. Any help(or kick in the pants in the right direction) is greatly appreciated. I would like to make a pancake style holster(eventually inlayed with exotic of some sort, but want to practice on the basics first) What leather is best? Where can I get it? remember it needs to be dumbed down, I am still new at this (or at leats decent, Keep in mind that I have very little play money) Are there any hand tools that are better for stitching? What cement is best? Thread type? Thanks for any tips, and advice. A little background on me: I live in Brighton, MI and have been doing retail for the last 4 years. I have always loved firearms, and shoot regularly. I started the beginning of this year doing Armed Protection as well, and have a desire to make better concealment and duty gear for myself. I am a certified computer technician, and have my own small business selling gun parts, holsters, duty gear, pepper spray, surveillance gear, etc. Thanks!
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