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Everything posted by Mtcowpony

  1. wow what a shop!!!! thanks for letting us all take a look for ideas!

  2. I love the colored stitching on the watch band- the cell cover looks like it came out great!
  3. Sweet! Thanks Ross, I will be calling...... great pics on your website!!
  4. HEY all..... I am in desperate need of some help and am hoping to find someone in or near billings that would be interested in teaching some leather basics- hands on. I KNOW that Sheridan is just down the road, and believe me I am soooo thankful, but I was hoping to find someone I could take a class or two from in the evenings...... I am working on a pair of spur straps at the moment, and want to evolve into more horse gear. The leatherworker forum has been so much help to me- but need some hands on help..... Thanks in advance for any help!
  5. Zenpaige.... I read your post in July about just starting out and I wonderedhow is it coming? I am actually pretty new to it and sooo love it!

  6. perfect timing as i was looking at amazon too .....
  7. i HAD to add you as a friend- anyone that is willing to share about how to make the leather business work is a friend of mine!!! thank you for sharing..!

  8. excellent comments about the 'doing what you love'to david last month, and i had to comment cause your pics are great in the picassa album and your quote line- truer words were never written!

    ps congrats on the run!!

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