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  • Interests
    Carving, tooling, belts, dog collars, armour, quivers, patterns, wallets, stitching.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    Making wallets and bags
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    SCA but started working at Tandy's in the early 90s and have been in love with leather working since

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  1. Beautiful! Can't wait to see it finished!
  2. Thank you all very much! It means agreat deal coming from this group! Throwing this at you all as I thought you might appreciate just the carvings before the colours. Or...I would if I could but size limiter. :/
  3. Thanks all! Here are some close ups:
  4. Finished this beauty and had it delivered this last weekend. This was my fourth quiver, and the first Mongolian Horse Quiver I've made. This quiver was a blast to make, even if the stitching took way longer than I would have liked (the longer it takes the more movies I get to watch, right?). This style of quiver was design to wear strapped to the thigh and would traditionally hold six arrows.
  5. Thank you kindly, everyone! Thor, I said Hi to the Thompson for you and it said that you owed it five bucks.
  6. Hello all, My name is Ron McKenna and I'm from Kamloops B.C in western Canada. I have been working with leather since I got my first real job, that I liked anyway, at Tandy Leather back in the early 90s. I have been involved in a medieval group, SCA, and did most of my work centered around that, so armour, archery gear, belts & pouches, that sort of thing but I mainly worked on carving. Recently, over the last couple of years, I have started working with leather full time and have now started up my own dog collar company and I have to share that there is little better than working with leather all day. Here are some of my works I've done.
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